I’m running for City Council to give the residents of District 3 the leadership we need—and the ability to get things—on the critical issues impacting our community,including improving public safety,creating jobs and smart growth,and prioritizing essential neighborhood services.
I intend to build on the work that I have done as a neighborhood advocate to achieve these goals. You can find evidence of my service to this community all throughout district 3.
My issues:
Public Safety. As Board Chair for the Khadafy Washington Foundation for Non-Violence and past co-chair of the Beat 7 Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council,I’ve advocated for more effective law enforcement,anti-violence programs for youth and city services that fight crime. In addition to a more effective collaboration between the Police Department,City Council,local NCPCs and community at large,we need more a visible police presence – focusing resources to walking,beat,and bike patrols – and must address the lighting,street cameras,blight and other issues that affect our safety. I’ll also use my expertise gained at Covenant House and as an Alameda County Human relations Commissioner to work to bring an end to the sexual exploitation of minors in the San Pablo Corridor.
Job Creation. While part of the Covenant House team,I helped create innovative employment training programs for youth. I support expanding job training programs and incentives for Oakland’s small businesses,and a revitalized Downtown and neighborhood commercial corridors to ensure Oakland residents have access to local jobs that can grow our local economy.
Essential Neighborhood Services. We can’t enjoy vibrant,walkable neighborhoods if we don’t feel safe. I will continue the fight to eliminate blight,illegal dumping,dark streets,and potholes,and ensure our parks remain usable and not magnates for crime. I started the “Get Diggy With It” campaign to recruit volunteers for local “green and clean it” projects to reduce blight – we’ve planted dozens of trees in West Oakland with Urban Releaf and 250 Daffodils at the Lakeview Library,cleaned St Andrews plaza,helped a team of Google volunteers rejuvenate the century old McElroy fountain at Lake Merritt and recruited a team of regular volunteers maintained Measure DD improvements for local parks. I will also work to create more neighborhood-serving businesses (like additional grocery stores) and support family friendly destinations like the Lakeview Library.
I would be honored to have your vote this November 6th,2012. Of course,if you meet another candidate and think they too would do a great job,then I would ask you to place me first,and if not,at least make me your 2nd choice vote in our ranked choice voting system.
Thank you,
Sean Sullivan