A busy Friday: Justin Bieber pulled over for speeding and cited; Britney Spears sports Bikini body and abs; George Zimmerman get out of jail on $1 Million bail.

Justin Bieber Speeding

In Los Angeles, Justin Bieber was pulled over and cited for speeding. Speeding at 65 miles per hour. Speeding. Bieber’s claim was that he was trying to elude paparazzi – a claim I personally believe. Given who he is, that someone would chase him down to capture his image is unfortunately commonplace. Moreover, I think this ticket should be dismissed. Why? Because it’s too small to be considered with.

I don’t care that we would be catering to a celebrity. The bottom line is he’s not treated like the “normal person” by anyone – there’s no reason we should start with the law in a little case like this. Free Justin Bieber!

Britney Spears shows bikini abs.


Well, there is not much more to be said. Britney Spears put this photo online and caused a sensation. But what’s up with her boy patting his Mon’s abs? Maybe nothing. Maybe something.

George Zimmerman $1 Million Bail

George Zimmerman, the murderer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, managed to raise a fresh $1 million to pay for his ticket out of jail until the trial itself is held. Remember that the initial bail amount was set at $125,000, and Zimmerman raised about that amount and only had to pay 10 percent of it, or $12,500. This time, the 10 percent was $100,000, but online donations allowed him to handle it, though I’m not sure it can be said “with ease” because it’s not known how much he actually raised – yet.

That there are people who would donate to the legal defense of a man who stalked and eventually killed a 17-year-old boy, regardless of color, is sick. But for some who did, it does seem color was a factor. In fact, race has played an ugly role in this case from the start, and with no end in sight.

I am starting to believe that decades of declines in education spending have created a pockets of our society that are dumbed down and racist, yet are right along side mainstream America, which is not.

We’ve got to start calling out those people and institutions who are racist, and brow-beat them via blogs, and whatever form of communications available to make them change. The very future of our civilization is at risk.

Stay tuned.

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of zennie62blog.com and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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