Jack Kevorkian Has Died At Age 83

Jack Kevorkian is best known as being the “death doctor.” He is known for his “assisted suicides” for which he ended up in jail for. Many are against what he did, but there are some who are supportive. Kevorkian believed that people had the right to die and he was very strict when it came … Read more

Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe, Dogwood Bar, Mark Uptown Oakland

Last night this vlogger trekked down over to the Uptown District in Oakland to just check out how the scene was changing. The result? The video you see above. It started with a walk over to the Fox Theater, with a look at how the much-anticipated Oakland version of Emeryville’s Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe was … Read more

Mitt Romney Will Run For President

Mitt Romney has joined the political race as another member of the GOP to go up against President Barack Obama in the 2012 elections. In New Hampshire today is where he announced his decision, according to USA Today. Sarah Palin was also in New Hampshire today, but Romney didn’t let her presence steal his thunder. … Read more

John Russo – City Of Oakland Debt Plans Point To Bankruptcy

Originally, this blogger was planning to run Part Three of this video recap last Wednesday, but frankly elected to stretch out the content production opportunity. The video is over 38 minutes long, and only a handful of people will watch the whole presentation at once. But for those who do, the video interview with John … Read more

Blake Lively Photos Are Fake

Blake Lively also has rare photos out there to go along with the coverage of Marilyn Monroe’s photos. Of course she isn’t trying to compete with Marilyn, but let’s see who cares about what more. Marilyn Monroe’s rare photos that are rediscovered seem like they would be more interesting than Blake Lively’s naked pictures. The … Read more

Marilyn Monroe Rare Photos Are Rediscovered

Marilyn Monroe is always worth talking about – she is such an icon that actors and actresses of the present should look to for inspiration (regardless of alleged love affairs, she was a great actress and a true woman). So the newest news about Marilyn Monroe are that there are rare photos of her rediscovered. … Read more

Subway Fights, NYC Naked Man Rants – How To Avoid Both

If you live in an urban area with a subway train system, chances are you’ve seen it, a subway fight. And maybe you’ve seen a naked man go on a rant on the subway system, as was true for a number of passengers on the #6 train in NYC in early May of this year. … Read more

Harold Camping and The Rapture of 2011

Harold Camping should have never been taken seriously by anyone. Apparently May 21, 2011 was Judgment Day although no one noticed, but on the official blog of Judgment Day (http://judgementday2011.com/) it says that it truly did happen and those reading the blog should prepare for the apocalypse: “Jesus has come, few were saved, even less … Read more

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are the new Zac and Vanessa

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were such a cute big deal, but that Disney Fairytale came to an end. It is unclear whether or not they will get back together, but has anyone else noticed that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez seem like the new version of Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. Bieber and Efron … Read more

PBS, Sony, Fox Websites Hacked By LulzSec’s Lulz Boat, AT&T Next?

A new group of web pirates is making itself known, as it sails the high seas of The Internet in search of what it describes on Twitter as #fun #fun #fun. The Lulz Boat, or what the group really calls itself: LulzSec, has hacked into the websites of PBS, Sony, and Fox, in reverse order … Read more

PBS Website Hackers LulzSec Praise Zennie62, Media Misses Message

LulzSec is gaining fame for hacking into the website’s of Fox, Sony, PBS, and it seems AT&T, by reading their Twitter tweets. Of course, the actions of the group of what Parmy Olson at Forbes.com says are four people (I think more) are lost on the mainstream media. While the LutzSec folks say they’re out … Read more

YouTube, Stop Use Of The N-Word – An Update

My video and blog request for YouTube to stop the use of the N-word has started a conversation that’s growing. While this blogger is not interested in debate – the N-word is bed and is not wanted on my channel – there is thoughtful conversation about this issue, both on YouTube and around the Internet. … Read more

YouTube Stop The N-Word; Glee PSA Compares It To “Retarded”

YouTube allows commenters to freely use the N-word on video pages, and the YouTube video maker, even YouTube Partners like this blogger, are powerless to do anything about it, outside of removing and banning trolls. A job unto itself. As I stated in this video… I’ve had enough of this, and am asking YouTube to … Read more

Sen Rand Paul Patriot Act Amendment Killed

As this blog post is written, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who this blogger considers to be a wacky guy on civil rights issues, is watching his Patriot Act amendment, called Amendment 348, go down in flames in the U.S. Senate. Senator Paul, who worked to force an amendment to the Patriot Act that, if passed, … Read more

Rob Woodall, Georgia GOP Congressman Health Care Hypocrisy

Georgia GOP Congressman Rob Woodall (GA District 7) was caught at a town hall meeting making a statement, or a series of them, that could only be borne of hypocrisy. While lecturing a constituent about self-reliance, and saying “You want the government to take care of you, because your employer decided not to take care … Read more

Ashton Kutcher Talks With Charlie Rose At TechCrunch Disrupt

Ashton Kutcher Talks With Charlie Rose At TechCrunch Disrupt, a photo by zennie62 on Flickr. Appearing in a beard and hat, and not wanting to talk about his new gig on Two And A Half Men, Actor Ashton Kutcher came on to talk with Charlie Rose at Tech Crunch Disrupt New York about his company … Read more

Larry Ellison’s USA – 76 International America’s Cup Yacht Driven By Zennie Abraham

  The International America’s Cup Yacht USA-76 came into San Francisco last week, and as part of a promotional effort that will ultimately lead to both this fast yacht, and the replica of the yacht America, as a kind of “Disney” ride on the San Francisco Bay. A perfect attraction to get San Franciscans and … Read more

MN GOP back-pedalling from anti-gay preacher

The GOP majority in the MN state legislature invited controversial “Reverend” Bradlee Dean, who advocates the killing and or incarceration of gays, to make the opening “prayer” for today’s session. Dressed in a track-suit, Dean used the time to question the religious affiliation of U.S. President Barack Obama. Bradlee Dean, opening 20 May 2011 MN … Read more

Judgement Day May 21, Harold Camping In Oakland

Well, it looks like Oakland’s got a center-stage position in this story of Judgement Day May 21, The End Of The World 2011, or The Rapture, or The Apocalypse, or whatever. Harold Camping, the founder of Family Stations, Inc., and the producer of the assertion that the end of the World was coming, well, tomorrow, … Read more

Dr. Cornel West moved the conversation

The activist Professor Cornel West has goals and agendas that are, at best, only partially apparent to the rest of us despite his academic prominence and countless interviews; it’s reasonable to assume that his priorities and tactics fluctuate dynamically.   Editor, journalist, entrepreneur, political consultant, photographer, and former Congressional Campaign Manager, Thomas Hayes I’ve been … Read more

Boehner under fire

Editor, journalist, political consultant, and former Congressional Campaign Manager Thomas Hayes According to Reuters, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Behner, is becoming a target for Tea Partiers who may resort to “primary” challenges for Republicans who have failed to adhere to absolute ideals while working in Congress. “Born in the days … Read more

Don’t Tread On Me

Did you know Dick Armey makes $500,000 per year to lead the allegedly leaderless, so-called grassroots Tea Party? Add this to the Koch Brothers insinuating themselves into control of faculty appointments at colleges and universities in the United States and you have to wonder just what’s up on the extreme fringes of the right. The … Read more

Zazzle Bay To Breakers Hella 80s Weekend Kickoff Party Friday At Roe SF

Zazzle Bay To Breakers Hella 80s Weekend Kickoff Party Friday At Roe SF – a great party is on to kick off the San Francisco Zazzle Bay To Breakers, and it’s all part of Zazzle’s effort to help make the 100-year old Bay to Breakers, set for this Sunday, a week-long event. I met with … Read more

Sexual Education is Necessary

X POSTED AT THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM This is an editorial I wrote for Ed Rice’s Editorial and Column Writing Class. I got an A on it – so I thought it was worth posting. P.S. I’ll have more posts in two weeks once school is done. Written By Nikky Raney Abstinence only education is … Read more

Jim Tressel Shames Ohio State

Ohio State University’s football coach Jim Tressel is now known for his many text messages, phone calls and e-mails made after he heard that players were selling memorabilia. The Detroit Free Press reports that there are good reasons as to why Tressel should and could be fired: What Tressel did is fairly simple. He was … Read more

Canadian Baby Joseph Maraachli is Alive Because of United States Health Care

Everyone knows who baby Jesus was, but now the media is buzzing about Baby Joseph. Fox News showed footage around one pm today that made a trigger in the brain go off. This is a story that needs to be blogged about – so much being said about negativity of United States Health Care and … Read more

Obama Visit To San Francisco: Protestors Few, But Vocal

As this blog post is written, President Barack Obama’s undoubtedly holding court in San Francisco’s Masonic Auditorium. And while a substantial crowd turned out to see him, well into the 2,000 range if not more by estimate, there were some protestors. Frankly, only a handful of them and far out-numbered by Obama supporters. Including this … Read more

My thoughts on Trump versus Romney

I think it’s safe to assume that there will remain a certain non-trivial segment of the electorate that isn’t so much “for” anything as they are, to put it in plain words, “against President Obama.” Their numbers will fluctuate some, and their fervor (which is to say, willingness to make noise) is likely to increase … Read more

What to see at Tribeca Film Fest

Following wildly enthusiastic reviews for the World Premiere at the Full Frame Film Fest last weekend, “The Loving Story” has made the Daily Beast’s list of Hottest Films of Tribeca 2011 in New York City this week… check out their entire list! Tribeca features awards for independent films in six (6) categories: World Narrative World … Read more

Donald Trump’s Thoughts on Mitt Romney

In a video on CNN Donald Trump is referring to Mitt Romney as a small business man: It may not be a direct insult on Mitt Romney, because everyone seems small and insignificant in net worth when compared to Donald Trump, but Trump should probably stop thinking that he is so much better than everyone … Read more