Netflix Bright Cast Panel At San Diego Comic Con 2017 #SDCC

Netflix Bright Cast Panel At San Diego Comic Con 2017 #SDCC

Netflix is at the top of the media foodchain, and that’s a good thing. Rather than rest on its laurels, the subscription streaming company that started by sending DVD’s in the mail years ago, still acts like it’s small, greenlighting daring stories, only this time told by stars like Will Smith. Such was the case at San Diego Comic Con 2017 with “Bright”.

Bright is a story about race with a twist, and set in the America of the Future. It stars Will Smith, as a police officer who is racist against an alien being called and “Orc”. The cast of Netflix Bright at San Diego Comic Con was Eric Newman, Bryan Unkeless , David Ayer, Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Edgar Ramirez


By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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