I am sitting on the couch watching tv and all of a sudden this commercial comes on:

Forever Lazy

I am in awe of this video. I am in awe of this product. I am so ashamed of America for this product that I felt the need to write a blog post about this.

This is basically a onesie for adults, minus the place for feet so people can wear shoes and walk around with these.

Promoting laziness in America is not something anyone should be doing, and by making this product it is just promoting laziness – there’s even a place to unzip or what not on back for when you need to use the restroom. Seriously, I thought this was a joke when I first saw the commercial.

So basically these onesies/jumpsuits are designed to wear 24/7 instead of blankets and turning up the heat; honestly, people need to stop being lazy not promoting the act of being lazy forever.

America is already the laziest country on the planet – the last thing we need is a product that encourages people to be lazy – there’s people wearing these things OUTSIDE in the commercial; as if it will be acceptable to walk out into society wearing some pajama onesie; come on, get real.

In Product Reviews on Amazon.com consumers were comparing it to the Snuggie and saying that you may as well just use your Snuggie and not bother with this.

One review on Divine Caroline was written by user Donna Cavanagh who compared the Snuggie and Forever Lazy:

“That is the best copywriting I have ever seen. Have we become that lazy a society that we can’t pull down our pants to use the potty anymore? The other advantage that this product has over the Snuggie is its claim that you can wear it anywhere. Yes, you can wear it to picnics, camping, and my absolute favorite—tailgating because nothing goes better in the stadium parking lot port-o-potties than a fleece suit with a flap in the back for when you need to squat.”

Clearly its target market is right in the name, those who want to be forever lazy.

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    By Nikky Raney

    Because I'm Nikky Raney & you're not. Student, blogger & aspiring journalist as well as editor. I have already been a paid journalist and I have a lot of experience. Worked for political campaigns as well as at a television station. I am currently attending New England School of Communications in Bangor, Maine. I was Managing Editor and was one of the creators in 2006 of the largest student run newspaper in New England: The Tide, at Dover High School in Dover, New Hampshire. I was born June 7, 1990 in the Philippines. My personal site is The Future of Journalism - NikkyRaney.com You can follow me on twitter - http://twitter.com/nikkyraney

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