Mario Juarez: Oakland Council Candidate Smeared By Linda Yee, KPIX 5

Earlier this week, Linda Yee of KPIX Channel Five (5) paid a visit to the office of Oakland Real Estate Businessman and Oakland City Council District Five Candidate Mario Juarez.

She came unannounced and then sat down to interview him about claims that Mario 1) took $210,000 as a loan to build a plant that was never built, and 2) took $20,000 to build a sports bar that was not built. This was the exchange:

Well, Linda Yee not only did not do her homework, but the interview was an obvious smear and defamation of character. Mario said he never got $210K and the $20K was part of a fee owned to his company for real estate brokerage and predevelopment services. In addition, the man that Linda Yee showed in her video wasn’t the guy that has the dispute with Mario – he was his brother. Here’s my interview with Mario:

Why KPIX did a story that was not based on a criminal complaint is beyond me – but the person who tipped off the story is now known. Perhaps San Francisco Channel Five needs the money. After all, only about a few thousand people saw it – a well-distributed YouTube video can match that.

Stay tuned.

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