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Scott Brown Accused Of Racism In Race Against Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren
Sen. Scott Brown gives “I am DRAGO; I must break you” handshake to Elizabeth Warren
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow pointed out that Senator Scott Brown attacked challenger Elizabeth Warren from a racial perspective.

In the debate held Thursday of a week ago, Brown said that Warren used her Native American heritage as an advantage (in other words, she’s a person of color), but she pretty much looks white to him. Here’s Rachel’s show segment on this issue:

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Frankly, it’s classless at best for Senator Scott Brown to accuse Warren of being something she’s not. There are many people who ‘look white’ but have a background that’s of a person of color – for someone to question how that person might think of themselves, especially if the person didn’t bring up the subject, should be a vote deal-breaker.

Scott Brown’s behind in the polls against Warren – he’s obviously both desperate and stupid.

Scott Brown Accused Of Racism In Race Against Elizabeth Warren

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