Occupy Oakland Site Up As Of 2:42 AM PDT

OO Site Up
In a blog post broke exclusively at Zennie62.com, the entire website of the Occupy Oakland movement was down, and for reasons not known to this blogger.

OO Site Down Several online tests confirmed the status of the OO website at the time, with all pages appearing as white speace, and the Occupy Oakland movement had not taken note of the issue and notified anyone via Twitter at the time at 11:23 PM PDT.

That all changed with the actions here at Zennie62.com.

Now, various Twitter Tweets report that the Occupy Oakland site has been restored:

GibberbabbleRad Gibberbabble Media
occupyoakland: RT @occupyoakland: Site’s back up :) occupyoakland.org

oheresy RT @occupyoakland: Site’s back up :) occupyoakland.org

FRamabama RT @occupyoakland: Site’s back up :) occupyoakland.org

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