Fake “Public Eye Award” Given To Chevron in Fraudulent Ecuador Pollution Case

Davos, Switzerland – The mock (well, let’s call it fake) award given to Chevron Corporation for its alleged pollution in Ecuador failed to mention some important information about the group behind The Public Eye Award.

Namely, that the sponsors of the mock award, www.amazonwatch.org, were part of the plaintiff’s lawsuit against Chevron in the Lago Agrio lawsuit in Ecuador. So, it’s hardly a surprise the plaintiffs gave an “award” to Chevron, especially when they are still attempting to wring money from Chevron in the Ecuador lawsuit.

Not only that, but AmazonWatch, which “accepted the award on Chevron’s behalf” was named by Chevron as a “co-conspirator” in the oil company’s successful Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit against attorney Steven Donziger, Pablo Fajardo, Luis Yanza, and others.

Thus, once you shed some light on “lifetime achievement” award given to Chevron, one can see that this is yet another propaganda effort by the plaintiff’s PR team.

The plaintiff’s news release also left out another relevant fact:

The Ecuador plaintiffs, led by New York attorney Steven Donziger, were found guilty of corruption, bribery, extortion, fraud, and obstruction of justice, in U.S. Federal Court in March 2014. A former Ecuadorian judge testified that he accepted money from the plaintiffs to find Chevron guilty and ghostwrite the judgment against the oil company.

According to the New York Times “Alberto Guerra, a former Ecuadorean judge who testified that plaintiffs paid him $1,000 a month to ghostwrite favorable opinions for the presiding judge, Nicolas Zambrano. He also testified that Judge Zambrano told him that Mr. Donziger and his allies promised to pay Judge Zambrano $500,000 out of the eventual damages as long as he agreed to a favorable verdict.”

The Ecuadorian justice system, headed by socialist dictator Rafael Correa, wants to assist the plaintiffs in any manner it can as the country hopes to avoid cleaning up its own petroleum spills, and, instead, blame Chevron.

Stay tuned.

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