Chevron Should Stay Course In Ecuador Case, Ignore Shell Issue

There are calls in some media areas and by some oil industry analysts for Chevron to consider a payment settlement in the Ecuador case, and because the U.S. Supreme Court elected to hear the Shell Oil Nigeria Human Rights case.

This is a plea from Oppenheimer analyst Fadel Gheit, as reported in Platts. But it’s clear Mr. Gheit’s either blind to the facts of the Chevron Ecuador case, or just a terrible analyst, or both.

There’s no comparison between an incident that involved Nigerian oil production protestors in the case of Shell, and a fraudulently created case by a country, with a charismatic American lawyer leading the charge and who admits he expects billions from the expected legal outcome:

And now Karen Hinton, the spokes person for the so-called Amazon Defense Coalition, says that they will go about working to collect the money they were awarded in a kangaroo court in massively corrupt Ecuador.

For anyone to openly brad that they won a court case in Ecuador immediately makes their entire motives questionable. Especially Ecuador President Raphael Correa, who I have come to think is not an honest man, but a power-hungry despot given to fits of rage and child-like tantrums whenever he doesn’t get his way.

Any money Chevron pays will find its way to President Correa’s control in one way or another.

Chevron should not give a dime to any of those jokers. And yes, President Correa, I’m calling you a joker – something I have the right to do here in America but not in Ecuador.

And why not? Everyone with any brain knows that your state owned oil company has been producing oil on land once owned by Chevron 20 years ago. True observers know that Steven Donziger used questionable and arguably illegal methods to form the case against Chevron. And anyone with a brain who follows this case, knows that President Correa’s just trying to get oil money from any place he can. Correa cares less about the Ecuador environment than the money from oil. Chevron’s not produced oil in that area for 20 years, yet because of the march of the stupids we seem willing to allow today, a case charging them, and not Petroecuador, for pollution was settled.

And Karen Hinton wants some money.

Chevron, please don’t pay them a dime. Not even for a cup of coffee.

Stay tuned.

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