
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Zennie62Media Fan Invest Gateway Page

Zennie62Media Inc. presents this new “Zennie62Media Fan Invest Gateway Page”. A mouth-full, but it is necessary to reflect the payments we can receive.

We have two “Fan Invest” links:

• One that is here Zennie62Media PayPal Page where you can use your debt or credit card to invest in Zennie62Media, and

• The other is this NOWPayments Portal, where you can invest your Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrency in present amount equal to $20, or set your own level of investment.

Which ever way you chose, Zennie62Media, Inc. thanks you for your support. And feel free to send us an email to let us know you used our system, and how much you invested. And as a note, although the term “invest” is used here, it does not refer to any online sale of securities, because Zennie62Media is not selling its stock in that way at this time.

Zennie62Media is a Delaware C-Corporation. If you’re interested in providing an equity investment, please send an email to Zennie@Zennie62Media.com, which is different from Zennie@Zennie62Media.net.

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