Rick Santorum Wins Louisiana, And The John Birch Conservative Vote

Remember when Rick Santorum had dinner with the White Nationalist at CPAC this year? That was what helped him win the Louisiana Primary for 2012. Because the turnout to vote was so poor, all the Louisiana GOP was left with were ultra conservative John Birch society types so pissed off with being led by a … Read more

Rick Santorum Had Dinner With White Supremacist

Rick Santorum Had Dinner With White Supremacist – Earlier this week, I focused on GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum’s “problems with Black people” as I called the video and blog. Some were skeptical of my claim of Santorum’s racist problem; this should provide more evidence that he has one. On February 10th, during CPAC, two, … Read more

Rick Santorum Has A Problem With Black People

Why this is not looked at more is beyond this blogger, but GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum has a massive racist problem with Black people. As my upcoming video will openly show, Santorum not only associates Blacks with welfare, he brings up “us,” since I’m Black, in an audience while talking about general welfare policies … Read more