Long Florida Voting Lines Filled With Unlikely Voters

“Likely voters.” You know the term. It’s for people who pollsters think are most likely to show up at the polls, even in Florida. The trouble is most of the time they tend to be older, white, and male. What’s problematic is that in this hyper-media World, people tend to react to what comes from … Read more

President Obama’s Massive Party In San Francisco

Let’s get this out of the way: the Obama Victory Fund Party held at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium was a hell of a lot of fun. This blogger was blessed with the opportunity to attend, and not as a press person, but as one who raised $5,500 for President Obama, and entirely via social media: … Read more

Presidential Campaign News Source: Cable, Internet, Not Newspapers

According to a study released by the Pew Research Center For The People and The Press, the leaders in where Americans get their news are cable, local TV news, network news, the Internet, and local papers. But what’s interesting in the Pew study, is how its own author of the online article explaining its results … Read more