Ezra Klein Calls Donald Trump “Hilarious Clown”

Ezra Klein, the designated policy wonk for the Washington Post, was just on MSNBC’s Martin Bashir’s show, where he openly called New York real estate mogul and television celebrity Donald Trump a “hilarious clown,” much to the delight of Bashir, who smiled in anticipation of the buzz-worthy blast. The context was Trump’s Twitter tweet saying … Read more

George Mitchell Out As San Bruno Fire Mediator

After a lot of complaints, conga drums, and consternation, former Senator George Mitchell is out as the mediator who was hand-picked by the California Public Utilities Commission, or the CPUC. This is what San Bruno Mayor Jim Ruane said: “Sen. Mitchell and his law firm DLA Piper did the right thing by telling the California … Read more

Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battles Of History

The YouTube Channel “ERB” or Epic Rap Battles Of History is one of the best channels on YouTube not called Zennie62. In this installment, it’s President Obama versus Mitt Romney. And if you recognize the man who’s playing President Obama, it’s Alphacat on YouTube, Iman Crosson, who made this rap video just after President Obama … Read more

San Bruno Fire: CPUC And PG&E Pick George Mitchell As Mediator, Don’t Ask Victims Reps

The California Public Utilities Commission is in a lot of hot water. On Tuesday, the CPUC announced that it selected Former Senator George Mitchell as mediator in the ongoing talks to determine the fine to be levied against Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The trouble is, only PG&E knew of Mitchell’s appointment and no one … Read more

Mitt Romney Lied At Debate: Sought Foreign Tax Credit To Offshore Jobs

President Obama’s Presidential Debate Rope-A-Dope Strategy is paying off. Governor Mitt Romney’s being exposed as telling lies last night. But the biggest lie is the one not noticed by a number of people. Here’s what Romney said at the 35th minute of the debate: The second topic, which is you said you get a deduction … Read more

Kate Middleton Topless Photos: Anatomy Of A Scandal

Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, was plainly stupid to allow herself to be out and exposed in the daylight and 1,000 feet from a public road in France, topless. This, then, is the anatomy of how a photo shoot came to be that resulted in the production of a set of photos of a … Read more

Newark Mayor Cory Booker On “Meet The Press” Goes “Black Crab Barrel” On Obama

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, a guest on NBC’s “Meet The Press” Sunday to talk about his support for President Barack Obama, instead talked about his support for Bain Capital and private equity firms. In the process, Mayor Booker almost totally blew the Obama Campaign’s message. The question is why? Why would Mayor Booker do that? … Read more

Presidential Campaign News Source: Cable, Internet, Not Newspapers

According to a study released by the Pew Research Center For The People and The Press, the leaders in where Americans get their news are cable, local TV news, network news, the Internet, and local papers. But what’s interesting in the Pew study, is how its own author of the online article explaining its results … Read more