
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan Show Latino Issues In Videos

Mitt Romney has had his “Bittergate” moment, and the fundraiser where someone ran a hidden video camera while the former Governor of Massachusetts basically ran his mouth about everything from “Obama Voters” to Latinos has hit the news cycle today, and threatens a GOP Presidential Campaign that’s already off the rails, thanks to a terrible […]

Paul Ryan says rape “method of contraception”

Paul Ryan is trying to mold himself into a Vice President pick GOP Presidential Nominee (I think the other term is “presumptive”) can live with. In this interview, the Wisconsin Congressman makes sure to let everyone know that he thinks rape is roped in with all the other “methods of contraception.” Notice how he then […]

Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney’s VP Pick Used Racist ‘Anchor Babies’ Term In 2011

Video: Paul Ryan – Mitt Romney VP Pick Allows Racist Comments Shouts Down Woman Who Protests Them U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan was named to be the vice presidential running mate for GOP Presidential Nominee, Governor Mitt Romney. Ryan, the 1st District Wisconsin congressman, has carved a name for himself as a “budget hawk,” proposing a […]

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