No, Helen Mirren Does Have A Great Body

Helen Mirren’s topping Google Trends in both blogs and news websites for several reasons, but a very interesting one is the reaction to her blast that she, in her view, does not have a great body. My video above is a rebuttal, made three years ago, but it’s worth digging up for a repeat performance. … Read more

Tout Micro-Video Sharing Adds CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Team

Not too removed from it’s block-buster public relations move in getting Shaquille O’Neill to announce his retirement using it, Tout, the micro-video sharing site (think 12 Seconds-plus-three combined with Twitter) started by San Francisco Internet Entrepreneur Michael Downing in partnership with SRI (Stanford Research Institute) in 2009… …has added CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 team. Kaj … Read more

U.S. Beat Colombia 3-0

The Women’s World Cup is currently being held in Germany, and today the women of the United State’s team beat Colombia by three outstanding goals. While watching the game on television it was quite alluring and it was good to see former U.S. women soccer stars there to cheer on the current players. This game … Read more

Wimbledon: Maria Sharapova Losing, Mate Sasha Vujacic Hated On Twitter

2011 Wimbledon is producing some interesting developments offline, on the court, and online, on Twitter. While the World watches as Maria Sharapova is losing to Petra Kvitova, 3-6, 3-4, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice bites her nails, Twitter is in a full-hate-on process. NBC insists on consistently showing her fiance, New Jersey Nets … Read more

Mark Halperin Called Obama “A Pussy” In 2008

Thanks to a tipster, we get a bigger picture of Mark Halperin with respect to President Obama, and its not pretty. On Thursday, the TIME Magazine Senior Editor and then MSNBC Senior Contributor got on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show to deliberately issue a slur toward President Obama that Halperin apparently thought would be “bleeped” out. … Read more

Mega Millions $250,000 Prize Still Unclaimed In Somerville, Massachusetts

Mega Millions? OK. I have to admit I’ve never played the lottery game and the only reason it’s a content subject is that it’s the trending topic – and because there’s an unclaimed ticket in a place called Somerville, Massachusetts. The reason for avoiding even just the purchase of a whatever-dollar ticket is it’s the … Read more

Comic Con 2011: Doctor Who, Bedlam, Underworld 4, Bellflower

Today is July 1, 2011, and that means 20 days until Comic Con 2011, San Diego. Here’s some updates. BBC America’s Doctor Who returns to Comic Con San Diego with a panel Q & A set for Hall H, and a new TV series called series Bedlam. All panels and signings will happen at the … Read more

Ron Paul Campaign Leads in Fundraising

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has very active supporters and the political fundraising for his campaign has done so well that it is estimated that the campaign has earned over $4.5 million in the second quarter (which ended June 30). The Atlantic reminds about how much was made by Paul’s previous campaign: “Ron Paul impressed many … Read more

Rod Blagojevich’s Imprisonment Worries Family

An article written by Michael Tarm of the Associated Press talks about the future of Rod Blagojevich now that he is going to be put to prison, and the lead sentence of the article really put a picture accurately as to what will be happening to the impeached Governor: ” An eight-digit number affixed to … Read more

Mark Halperin Called Douchebag By Grayson Daughters – Atlanta Social Media Day

Grayson Daughters is a friend who’s never at a loss for words, and this occasion at the Mashable Atlanta Social Media Day Party was no exception. Sporting a name tag that read “Mark Halperin,” the long-time Atlanta journalist said she used it because she “wanted to see who was paying attention to politics” at the … Read more

Happy Canada Day! Happy Post Social Media Day

It’s funny how we have “days” marked for days. Today is Canada Day. Yesterday was Social Media Day. But before we look at that, ahat’s Canada Day all “abut?” Canada Day, like U.S. Independence Day, in a way points to the once incredible power of Britain. Canada Day is the celebration of the fusing of … Read more

Romney Confronts Obama

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will be confronting President Barack Obama today, June 30, in Pennsylvania. CBS News reports: “And before Romney holds a news conference at Allentown Metal Works in Pennsylvania this afternoon, he’ll be in Philadelphia for fundraising events — just hours before Mr. Obama attends his own Philadelphia fundraising events.” Here is … Read more

Google’s Blogger Was Down, Now Back

Blogger, Google’s blogging platform that it purchased in 2004, was down, but now it’s back. It’s the second time this year Blogger users, including this blogger, experienced wide-spread outages, and while Google has not, as of this writing, issued a statement, one Google Engineer named Jeremy did point the way for Blogger users to recover … Read more

Oakland City Council Budget Hearing Brings Out Nasty Divisions

The City of Oakland has a fast approaching deadline of 12 AM, Friday July 1st to pass a budget, then go out and spend money on the artists involved with Oakland Art Murmur. And a number of Councilmembers wanted to pass a budget on Tuesday, but here we are. And it’s not clear, yet, that … Read more

California Online Tax Causes Tripple Taxation On Cal S-Corp Businesses

California and Governor Jerry Brown made a massive error in the formation of a California Online Tax, that amounts to tripple taxation in the state for online S-corporations. Amazon and Overstock aren’t the only ones hurt by the new tax, and it should be challenged in court. But before we continue, this news… Amazon just … Read more

Ryan Dunn, Vancouver Kissing Couple, Southwest Airlines, Gov Christy – Zennie62 On Pop Culture

Five stories in American pop culture from last week that have captured our attention. The video above has brief clips related to them, and that you can look at to gain an idea of what the issue is that has brought each subject-event to pop culture status. 1) The Vancouver Kissing Couple’s real story – … Read more

Rod Blagojevich

Rod Blagojevich should prepare himself for prison, because although having his wife on the NBC show I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here to try to win him some sympathy and let her convince others that her husband should not go to jail – it didn’t work. That was two years ago, remember with … Read more

Comic Con 2011: Henry Cavill, Relativity Films, 42 West Set “Hall H” Plans

Relativity Films has four movies that will make presentations at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego, July 20-25th: Shark Night 3D, Haywire, The Raven, and The Immortals with Henry Cavill, the next Superman. Of the foursome, Haywire, The Raven, and The Immortals are set for shows in the massive “Hall H” at San Diego Convention … Read more

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Announces Plans For Week

Ever since this blogger blasted Mayor Quan for the lack of reporting on the Las Vegas trip, her staff (Susan Piper) has been very good in getting emails that report on Jean’s plans for the week; it’s only right that I post them, I think. So with that, here’s what Piper sent over: Tuesday, June … Read more

Transbay Transit Center Project Construction Activities Advisory

This is a special blog to report on Transbay Transit Center Project construction activities and demolition plans. If you’re not aware of this, San Francisco is replacing the old Transbay Terminal Center, with a brand new development featuring a 1,000-foot-skyscraper and a six-acre elevated park. Here’s the information, as it was sent to this blogger: … Read more

Michele Bachmann, Serena Williams make CNN Breaking News

The CNN Breaking News emails are popping with updates about Michele Bachmann, Serena Williams, and decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here are the updates as they appeared from CNN to this blogger’s email box: Michele Bachmann U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota formally announced her entry into the 2012 … Read more

Asteroid Missed Casey Anthony Trial Live, Media Observers Shagrined

As the Casey Anthony Trial was going into what is projected to be its final week, media observers complaining of overload may have hoped that a wayward asteroid fast approaching Earth would help. The news is that the 55-foot-wide asteroid named Asteroid 2011 MD just missed our planet by 7,500 miles. An impact with Earth … Read more

Patti Labelle Gets Lifetime Achievement Award At BET Awards

Patti Labelle, who’s terrific voice became cemented in American Culture history when she sang “New Attitude” and “Stir It Up” which were used for the movie Beverly Hills Cop, and who’s “Lady Marmalade” is to this day copied and repeated in movies and plays like Moulin Rouge received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the BET … Read more

Michele Bachmann Takes The Lead

The Iowa Straw Poll caused one GOP member to walk out – could it be because Michele Bachmann is surprisingly taking the lead as the potential pick for the GOP candidate? She is a favorite in Iowa, according to numerous news sources including CBS News: Bachmann is already an early favorite to do well in … Read more

Peter Falk / Columbo Passes; Missy Elliot Has Graves Disease

The news of the passing of television and American Cultural legend Peter Falk at 83 is sad to say the least.  According to, Mr. Falk suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease, the same disease that claimed the life of another legend, Glen Campbell, and that I talked about here: TMZ reports: A rep for the family … Read more

Casey Anthony Overload

Casey Anthony, Casey Anthony, Casey Anthony – not to sound insensitive, but would everyone just shut up? Stop reporting about it every twenty minutes. Give us updates when big stuff happens – it has gotten to the point where I’m not even following the news about. The lady is guilty, and everyone knows it. This … Read more

Oakland – Setting Record Of City Managers / City Adminstrators Straight

I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but the City of Oakland’s starting to exhibit a memory problem. To cut to the chase, then work backward, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan is reporting that P. Lamont Ewell was the Oakland City Manager when Deanna Santana came to Oakland as an intern in 1995. Nothing against … Read more

Citizen’s Trash is Federal Treasure

The Federal Government has once again stomped on the Constitution. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are now allowed to search through the trash of citizens in America – without a warrant. So basically, the FBI will now become dumpster divers and trash pickers – so don’t be surprised to find a man in a … Read more

Jon Huntsman Spells His Name Wrong

Jon Huntsman has announced that he is launching his campaign today – but he spelled his own name wrong. Huntsman’s staffers where handed press passes which added an unnecessary “h” to his name – how embarrassing. This is reported by ABC news. Well, the point of this post isn’t to poke fun at the mistake … Read more

Ex-Girlfriend Of AC Transit’s Joel Young Issues Statement In Sex Scandal

Last week this blogger reported the unfortunate news about AC Transit’s Joel Young, and at his request, published his statement on the sex scandal involving he and his ex-girlfriend. This is what was written: AC Transit Board Member Joel Young, considered by some a front-runner in the 2012 race to replace California Assembly District 16 … Read more