Jennifer Aniston Marriage, Taylor Swift Legs, Hope Solo Sex Symbol

A fun, raunchy time talkin’ about Jennifer Aniston’s anticipated Marriage, Taylor Swift Legs showing during a wind blowing, and US Women’s World Cup Soccer Team Goalie Hope Solo becoming, in caps, a Sex Symbol. First, Ms. Aniston. In Touch Magazine, which has become this blogger’s favorite gossip rag (no paid endorsement here), has Jennifer Aniston … Read more

Jason Statham’s “Safe” Movie Poster Out, Lionsgate Release October 28, 2011

Safe is action star Jason Statham’s latest movie, to be distributed by Lionsgate October 28th, and that, even without a website, movie trailer, or extensive synopsis, as of this writing, is still the focus of major buzz, and several YouTube videos taken from film shoots, mostly in Philadelphia. Now, Safe has a new poster that … Read more

Bachmann Bribes Voters

Anyone who voted for Bachmann at the straw polls was able to enjoy music from Randy Travis, Grammy winning country singer. Bachmann spent lots of money getting him out there and made it so if people wanted to watch the singer perform they had to vote for Bachmann in the straw poll. What a way … Read more

Warren Buffett vs Michael Arrington – Soak The Super Rich? Arrington’s Wrong

TechCrunch Founder and Editor, and friend, Michael Arrington, has weighed in on Warren Buffett’s op-ed in the New York Times Monday entitled Stop Coddling the Super-Rich. It’s a work worth reading. To put it simply, Warren Buffett explains how the super-rich essentially make money off making money, and it’s that money which they allow to … Read more

Lady Antebellum Cancels Concert After Sugarland Event Stage Collapse At Indiana State Fair

The popular, Grammy Award-winning Lady Antebellum elected to cancel their planned concert show for this week, and in the wake of the collapse of a 50-foot-high stage just before the Sugarland performance at what is called the Hoosier Lottery Grandstand last Saturday at the Indiana State Fair. The tragedy killed five people, four at the … Read more

BART Cell Phone and Computer Network Scandal: Transit Union Wants PUC Inquiry

Last week will probably go down as one of the worst in BART’s history. But the assumption is that it was bad for BART’s riders and management – forgotten in all of this controversy were BART’s workers. The people who make BART work every day, running the trains and helping passengers, picked Monday to add … Read more

FCC Investigates BART Cell Phone Interruption Scandal, As Expected

Contrary to what some readers angrily claimed it would not do, the Federal Communications Commission has opened an investigation into the BART Cell Phone Service Interruption Scandal. The claim in this space was that BART’s turning off station cell phone service last Thursday night wasn’t legal, and the blog post upset many people. But the … Read more

Black War On Obama? No. Just Tavis Smiley and Cornell West

When I met and talked to Professor Cornell West and Talk Show Host Tavis Smiley at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, the concern then was, as Professor West put it, how we (African Americans) use the historic election of Barack Obama as what was then the Democratic Party’s first black presidential nominee as a force … Read more

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s Pay To Play Problem Called Out By Wall Street Journal

Just call Texas Governor and new Republican presidential candidate ‘Pay To Play Perry.” As I write this, Mark Halperin’s back on MSNBC (after getting too big for his pants in talking about President Obama) talking about Rick Perry in sloppily glowing terms that only a conservative like Halperin can. It’s not surprising Rick Perry’s problems … Read more

BART Computer, Train Control Vulnerable: Network Failure, Hackers Attack, Next?

In less than one week, the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) Computer Network has shown signs of extreme vulnerability, and now, after Sunday’s computer hacker attack to its website, BART should consider alternative, emergency methods of running trains on the system. The reason is that, while BART says the website is “wholly separate” from … Read more

The Band Perry Tops CMA Music Festival In Nashville, The Music City

The CMA (or Country Music Association) Music Festival aired today on ABC, and managed to take both Google and Twitter by storm, with groups like Lady Antebellum hitting the Twitter Top Trends list. But the one group that garnered the most attention was The Band Perry. The Band Perry wowed observers by bringing what one … Read more

T Paw: Race Claims First Victim

Despite coming in third place in the Straw Polls yesterday, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has dropped out of the race. The Associated Press reports: ” “I wish it would have been different. But obviously the pathway forward for me doesn’t really exist so we are going to end the campaign,” Pawlenty said on ABC’s … Read more

Sugarland Stage Collapse Indiana State Fair Tragedy

This, the Sugarland Stage Collapse Indiana State Fair Tragedy, is simply the most horrifying video this blogger has ever posted. On Saturday, as the country band Sugarland was preparing to perform, powerful winds and thunderstorms were building. To the credit of the event organizers, they were evacuating people from the area around the stage when … Read more

Michelle Bachmann Wins Poll – BART Cell Phone Cut Off Mubarek Action

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, in a development shocking to some, but pleasing to this blogger, won the Ames Iowa Republican Presidential Straw Poll, beating back a field of her competitors, most notably Congressman Ron Paul. And in other news covered here before, BART, the Bay Area Rapid Transit System, is being unfavorably compared to former Egyptian … Read more

Drawing Hope – A Sketchbook For Autism At Comic Con and Beyond

Autism has grown from a condition not widely known or understood 25 years ago, to part of the public conversation today. It’s estimated that one of 110 children is autistic, and even notables like Albert Einstein and Daryl Hannah have had autism as kids. Autism, or the developmental disorder said to impact “the first 3 … Read more

Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll; Ron Paul in Second

Fox News and CNN have the live coverage of the straw poll in Iowa and Michele Bachmann won, but Ron Paul came in second with only around 200 votes between the two. Bachmann’s votes were in the 4800 range and Ron Paul was in the 4600 range. In third place came Tim Pawlenty with votes … Read more

BART Cell Phone Interruption: FCC Past Shows Act Was Not Legal

Yesterday’s action where the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area Rapid System took the step of interrupting or blocking cell phone service has increased from the first blog post on this, the one in this space, charging that BART’s act was not legal, to a much Twitter-tweeted matter where BART’s action was consistently said not to be … Read more

BART Cell Phone Block Action – BART Issues Statement

At 12:59 PM, or about 7 minutes ago as of this writing, The Bay Area Rapid Transit System or “BART” issued an updated statement regarding its rationale for the controversial and apparently illegal cell phone blocking actions of last night, in an effort to stop a rumored, planned protest from “going viral.” This is the … Read more

Ron Paul Wins Republican Debate

Fox News hosted last night’s Republican Debate in Ames, Iowa. It is pretty clear that Ron Paul was the winner of the debate, based on votes and just a general observation of the way the debate went would show that Ron Paul (who really should fall under the category of Libertarian, but he tried that … Read more

BART Cell Phone Block Action – Irate Reader Defends BART

A BART mole? Obviously there are some people who don’t like it when this blogger questions institutions like The Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART). Take someone who goes by the name “Tiny Tiger.” (Who the heck would make a Yahoo! email address calling themselves “Tiny Tiger?”) At any rate, “Tiny Tiger” was angry that … Read more

BART Cell Phone Blocking Action Was Illegal – Update

Here’s an update on the BART cell phone blocking action. BART does not consider the action illegal, rather they claim the action, according to CNET, was “within their legal rights.” This blogger called BART media relations, but has not received a return phone call, as of this writing. Legal or not, BART’s actions of yesterday … Read more

BART Cell Phone – Protest San Francisco Block National News

The BART action to block cell phones (one that’s not legal, by the way) as part of a plan to thwart a protest at San Francisco Civic Center Station became national news today. I know this, because CNN just aired a news segment that came on here in Georgia, where I am visiting my Mom. … Read more

Talk Of Rick Perry And Mitt Romney From O’Hare Airport

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney be warned: the talk about you is not favorable. This blogger has, after five days of trying and now one week after my birthday, finally managed to score a flight from San Francisco to Chicago with the planned connection to Atlanta. But there’s one problem: the Atlanta flight from O’Hare … Read more

Rebecca Black Drops Out of School

Bullying is a huge problem in schools, and after being bullied over the Internet for her Friday song and video, it is no surprise that school bullying has caused Rebecca Black to drop out of school and become home schooled. I can’t condemn anyone who wrote a negative comment about Rebecca Black, because I was … Read more

PGA Championship Golf – Tiger Woods and Steve Williams Is The Draw

PGA Championship Golf – Tiger Woods and Steve Williams Is The Draw – The PGA Championship will start tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th, at the Atlanta Athletic Club. You’d think the PGA Championship buzz is about the current winners, but no – it’s about Tiger Woods, still The World’s Greatest Golfer, and his now ex-caddie, Steve … Read more

Justin Bieber Plays Matchmaker for Kendall Jenner

Justin Bieber wants to play matchmaker for Kendall Jenner. This is just adorable. Bieber’s tweet says it all: Kendall Jenner has been in the tabloids lately for reasons a bit more tame than that of her Kardashian siblings – Jenner has been at the Teen Choice Awards with younger sister Kylie Jenner. Also it has … Read more

BART’s Busy Week, And It’s Wednesday! (Mass Transit News)

That’s the headline: “BART’s Busy Week, And It’s Wednesday! (Mass Transit News)” Yep. It’s not just the asbestos removal program that’s transformed San Francisco’s BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit System) Montgomery St. Station into something out of the Andromeda Strain, it’s last night’s shut down that, thank God, this blogger just missed, having made a … Read more

Wisconsin Recall Election Spells End Of Tea Party GOP Movement

Mark it here: Scott Walker will be out at Wisconsin’s Governor in 2012. The Tea Party Movement will not survive 2012. While some democrats and left-leaning blogs like The Huffington Post, acted as if Dems lost, actually Democrats won, taking two incumbent Republicans out of six down, and leaving the Wisconsin Senate with a one … Read more

Kohn, Swift & Graf, Funders To Steven Donziger In Chevron Ecuador Case, Respond To Zennie62 Blog Post

As the flurry of lawsuits flies between a number of parties involved in the Chevron Ecuador mess, it’s just a matter of time before one of the, by last personal count six, law firms involved in it start to get testy about blog posts. Presenting the legendary Philadelphia law firm of Kohn, Swift & Graf. … Read more

BART Powell St SF Project To Clear Asbestos Underway – Mass Transit News

BART Powell St SF Project To Clear Asbestos Underway – Mass Transit News. Last week on Friday, as this vlogger was headed to something called the SFChefs (vlog to come), I noticed a giant tarp that covered much of one side of what was a wall at the North Entrance to the Powell Street BART … Read more

Did Gov Walker Stage Wisconsin State Fair Race Attack?

Did Gov Walker Stage Wisconsin State Fair Race Attack? This blogger thinks so. Last week, reports came out that “500 Black Youth” attacked white visitors to the Wisconsin State Fair. Then came the predicable reactions and all of the resurfacing of the White Supremacists, who crawl out of their holes whenever they think something that … Read more

Gov. Walker Being Protested at Wisconsin State Fair 2011

On Wednesday, the State of Wisconsin will take up a recall election that will test the staying power of the GOP Tea Party. Six Republican legislators have been successfully placed in position for this historic recall election. To show you just how angry Wisconsin voters are, take a look at the video above. It was … Read more

Rick Perry – C.L. Jackson Used At Response Religious Speech To Mask African American Issue

Texas Governor Rick Perry is, to this blogger, a very scary guy and the speech he gave at the Response religious event of two days ago only makes me shudder all the more. It’s not so much that Governor Perry gave the speech, but how he did it: trying to fake muster the language and … Read more

Kevin Boss – Press Conference Oakland Raiders 2011

Former New York Giants Tight End Kevin Boss joined the Oakland Raiders this weekend, replacing Zack Miller, who took advantage of the free agency market to bolt for the Seattle Seahawks. In this video posted by matheinazman on YouTube, Boss was introduced by Raiders Head Coach Hugh Jackson, who said that the Silver and Black … Read more