Hurricane Irene: Party At Hookalicious, Greenville, North Carolina

Hurricane Irene party? Yes! While the nation watches, waits, and cowers in fear of Hurricane Irene, they’re partying at Hookalicious, in Greenville, North Carolina. Four deaths have been blamed for the giant storm, but at Hookalicious, the only deaths have been to the inhibitions of the party-goers. Check out this video I found on YouTube: … Read more

Hurricane Irene Hits The East Coast; Irene Over-Hyped?

On Hurricane Irene watch, like much of the nation. As I blog this, it’s 10:54 AM EST, and sun’s shining in Atlanta, Georgia. But that’s not the case just 200 miles away, because Hurricane Irene has reportedly hit the East Coast. The giant – 700 mile wide – hurricane that’s projected to reach Category 1 … Read more

Calling Out Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson To Tout.Com

This blogger is calling Out Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson To Tout.Com. For millions of years, famed WWE star and actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been on the featured page of the 15 second video messaging platform called, or what I call a combination of YouTube and Twitter. The Rock, thinks that his fame … Read more

Fashion And Style Trends And Developments – Why 70s Glam?

Going all the way back to 2004, when Zennie’s Zeitgeist blog was created, and is now, the interest has always been in trends and current events. But one major aspect of this cultural mirror has been absent for too long: fashion and style trends. That’s about to change, starting today. What we wear, and … Read more

Minka Kelly and Derek Jeter Split

MTV reports that actress Minka Kelly has split from boyfriend, Yankees player Derek Jeter. The two dated for three years, but sources say that the split was amicable. When is a split ever really amicable? Honestly, that is probably just something that publicists and PR teams put together to keep the press from getting too … Read more

Steve Jobs Resigns From Apple: Allen Paltrow’s Story Of Meeting Jobs

As the news of Apple CEO Steve Jobs decision to step down from the post of leader of the iconic company he created spreads, some interesting perspectives on Jobs come out. Perhaps few – well, I haven’t seen one yet – are as interesting as what happened to then “10 or 12” year old Allen … Read more

On The Oakland Tribune, Mayor Quan, and BART’s Linton Johnson

My celebration of the suddenly free “Oakland Tribune” from the hands of the Bay Area New Group, or BANG, both ruffled feathers and gained supporters. One email I received went something like this: I just read your blog about the Tribune. I was all set to dis-agree with Yipee. However, if the OAKLAND TRIBUNE can … Read more

Steve Jobs Resigns: Tim Cook Now Apple CEO And Twitter Trend

Steve Jobs sudden departure from the post of Apple CEO, and his recommendation of Chief Operating Officer (COO) Tim Cook to replace him, has many scratching their heads and asking “Who’s Tim Cook?” So much so that, as of this writing, “Tim Cook” is a Twitter trending topic, and the second most searched for term … Read more

Steve Jobs : Apple CEO Steps Down, Bad For Apple And The SF Bay Area

The news that Apple CEO Steve Jobs is stepping down from his post because he’s, as he put it, “no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO,” is sad news. Sad not just for Apple Computer, but for the San Francisco Bay Area. Why? Because Steve Jobs, you see, has carved for himself … Read more

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

Steve Jobs is 55-years-old and has been suffering from pancreatic cancer, as reported by PBS. He has been on medical leave since January 17, 2011 and he has recently (just hours ago) announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO in a Press Release: ” PRESS RELEASE: Letter from Steve Jobs August 24, 2011-To the Apple Board … Read more

The Oakland Tribune is Gone? Yipee!!!

When I got the news that the Oakland Tribune was no more, I could not understand why the reaction expressed above just came out, as “Yipee,” but it did. Spontaneously. Then I had to admit that it was because, from my perspective, the real Oakland Tribune died a long time ago. It passed on the … Read more

What You Need To Live Off The Land, Aside From Money (Infographic)

There’s a pretty cool infographic making the Internet rounds, but it does have a problem, this blogger thinks. It’s called “What You Need To Live Off The Land,” and was created by The question is how much land would you need in order to basically live off of it? For one year That is, … Read more

Libya Rebels Attack Gaddafi Compound, CNN’s Sara Sidner Reports Fallback

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 will go down as a red-letter day in history, because on this day rebels took over Libya’s capital of Tripoli and stormed the Gaddafi Compound. Along with them was CNN reporter, former San Francisco Bay Area KTVU Weekend Anchor, and friend (that’s my photo when we were clowning around a while … Read more

Earthquake In DC: Unusual Three Significant Earthquakes In USA In Two Days

While the nation is talking about the “Earthquake In DC,” and the now estimated at 5.8 earthquake that hit three cities in Northern Virginia, next to the Nations’s Capital, no one is talking about the fact that America has had three earthquakes of “significant” size in just two days. Virginia Earthquake Felt in Georgia (Video) … Read more

5.9 Earthquake in Virginia felt In Atlanta, Georgia

This is my 15 second Tout report from earlier today: The large scale earthquake of 5.9 on the Richter Scale, and that struck officially “Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 01:51:04 PM,” according to the US Geological Survey, officially hit the following cities: Charlottesville, Virginia, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, and Farmville, Virginia. But unofficially it was … Read more

Kate Winslet Helps Richard Branson and 90-Year Old Mom Escape Fire

An awful story placed in my Facebook feed (thanks to Karen Brown) about Virgin Chairman Richard Branson’s Necker Island House Fire, but a story made better by the outpouring of support, the fact that all 20 people in the house survived, and Kate Winslet. On his blog, Mr. Branson has two posts, several photos, and … Read more

Nick Ashford Of Ashford & Simpson Passes, RIP To Motown Great

A real, real sad bit of news happened about six hours ago: Nick Ashford, the smooth singing voice and part of the team that has been Ashford and Simpson, with Valerie Simpson, for as much of my life as I can recall (and that’s a lot) passed away of complications due to a battle with … Read more

Infographic The Brandsphere By Brian Solis and JESS3 Is Complex Social Media

Bravo to Social Media Consultant Brian Solis for working with the now-famous infographics makers at JESS3 for at least trying to categorize media, but the Brandsphere will give your eyes a workout! This is the rationale for the creation of the Brandsphere, in Brian’s own words: In discussions about new media, you will often hear … Read more

Terrelle Pryor Drafted By Oakland Raiders – Will Start By 3rd Year

Former Ohio State Quarterback Terrelle Pryor will start for the Oakland Raiders by his 3rd year in the NFL. If not sooner. Mark that you saw that in print and on video here, first. You would have to be brain-dead, or not know football, to think that Terrelle Pryor, the most effective quarterback in Ohio … Read more

IndyBay Steals Zennie62 BART Cell Phone Content – Please Stop It Now

It’s not like IndyBay could have just had one of their writers blog their own version of the BART Cell Phone Cut Off Scandal, someone who goes by the “name” “ATU 1555” had to go and just plain copy my content, specifically my blog post called “BART Cell Phone and Computer Network Scandal: Transit Union … Read more

Libya Rebels Storm Tripoli, Get Gaddafi’s Son, Impact Oil Markets

Think the events in Libya don’t impact you in America? Keep watch on gas prices over the next year, and you can thank Libya Rebel success for the actions – not that they planned it that way. But Libya Rebels storming Tripoli, the capital of Libya, and capturing Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, have … Read more

San Diego Chargers Pound Dallas Cowboys 20-7

The San Diego Chargers walked into Cowboys Stadium for a preseason contest with the Dallas Cowboys and walked out showing signs of regaining the form that made the team one to fear in the AFC West. Chargers QB Phil Rivers and Cowboys QB Tony Romo posted shockingly similar numbers (8 of 11 and 8 of … Read more

Is Burning Man Anti-Social Media? Doug Broussard’s Counterpoint

Earlier today, I posted a blog entry called Is Burning Man Anti Social-Media?. The post points to what I see as a growing conflict between Burning Man’s “freedom of expression” policies and the expanding social media culture around the event. I turned off comments specifically at, because, for two years I’ve not read them, … Read more

Oakland Raiders, San Francisco 49ers Game Fights Not Gang Related; A Violent Society

Fights breaking out at Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49ers games are nothing new, especially when the two NFL football teams get together for their annual preseason game. But there’s an assumption, advanced by a San Jose Mercury News report, that the violence, in the case of a shooting outside the stadium, was gang-related. Folks, … Read more

The Glee Project Winners

Did everyone just win the Glee Project? Seems like it. Damian and Sam both have won seven episodes of Glee each, and Alex & Lindsay both won two episodes of Glee each, so in reality the final four contestants of the Glee Project were all winners when it came to Glee and their dreams coming … Read more

Is Burning Man Anti Social-Media?

Is Burning Man working against the growing social media culture? As Burning Man approaches, once again, this blogger’s not going. But it’s not that I don’t want to, nor am I compelled to write this because of some dislike for the event. What spurred this blog post, were two other blog posts: one called burning … Read more

PETA Wants Vegans on Mars

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have gone another step higher on the crazy ladder. MSNBC reports: “Animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has sent a letter to space entrepreneur Elon Musk, founder of rocket company SpaceX, urging him to make any SpaceX missions to Mars vegan. “We … Read more

If You Go Topless On Sunday In San Francisco, Please Look Hot!

According to SFWeekly Blogs, there’s an event in San Francisco on Sunday from 12 noon to 3PM in Mission Dolores Park, at Dolores St. & 18th St., called “Go Topless,” and is organized by, and some group called “the Raelians.” This blogger really doesn’t care that “Go Topless” is really a stupid publicity stunt … Read more

Oakland USD Loses Second Chief To Problem In Four Years

Yesterday, The Oakland Unified School District lost its police chief Pete Sarna, after the officer, allegedly intoxicated, reportedly went off an an “N-word” laced rant against an African American sergeant who was his inferior. As reported by San Francisco Chronicle Columnists Phil Matier and Andy Ross, the result was an internal investigation that resulted in … Read more

Oakland Should Fire Racist Schools Police Chief Pete Sarna

UPDATE: Chief Pete Sarna quit before he could be fired. According to Matier and Ross in the San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland, California School Police Chief Pete Sarna went out on a charity golf tournament, and, well this is how Matier and Ross explain it: The district is looking into accusations that the chief, who is … Read more

Justin Bieber Almost Ties Lady Gaga, Barack Obama 3rd In Twitter Followers

The wars for Twitter Followers heat up, as Justin Bieber gets close to, but fails as of this writing to pass, Lady Gaga. The good news for Justin Bieber and his fans is that he’s topped the 12 million follower mark, but he’s at 12,023,483 whereas Lady Gaga has 12,808,614 Twitter Followers. The President, Barack … Read more

Who Is Rick Perry’s Gay and Stripper Sex Accuser Robert Morrow?

The Internet flames burn hot with the unconfirmed rumors that Texas Governor Rick Perry is either Gay, or slept with strippers and escorts, after one Ron Paul Supporter named Robert Morrow went to bat online, writing a lot about what he saw, and claims to have been told, of Rick Perry’s alleged conduct. For more … Read more

Rick Perry Gay, Stripper Sex Rumors Rise After Ron Paul Supporter’s Ad

Is Rick Perry Gay? Did Governor Perry have sex with strippers? While Governor Perry’s camp hoped it would not happen, questions and rumors that Texas Governor and GOP Presidential Nomination Candidate Rick Perry is either Gay and, or, slept with strippers and escorts, have resurfaced after Robert Morrow, a Republican, Ron Paul For President Supporter, … Read more

Anderson Cooper, Hope Solo May Pose Nude for ESPN, Terrell Pryor To NFL

Believe it: Anderson Cooper, Hope Solo May Pose Nude for ESPN, Terrell Pryor To NFL. Read on! This just in: CNN’s Anderson Cooper is a human and not a humanoid: it’s not so much that he “lost it” in talking about Gerard Depardieu – in fact, Cooper was correct in drawing attention to a matter … Read more

Christine O’Donnell Exit From Piers Morgan’s Show Planned?

Yesterday, Christine O’Donnell, who probably became the first candidate for Senate ever to be the focus of a “kiss-and-tell” blog post in Gawker (the “I’m not a witch” comment is played), taped a segment of the CNN Piers Morgan Show, and didn’t finish it. Here’s what Christine O’Donnell did: This blogger agrees with The Christian … Read more