On The View, Herman Cain Says Blacks Need To Be Saved; Really?

Herman Cain Says Blacks Need To Be Saved. Really, Mr. Cain said that. This is why I don’t like Herman Cain for President. On ABC’s The View on Tuesday, the Black GOP Presidential Candidate and former head of Godfather’s Pizza, said that “some of them can’t be saved” in referring to African Americans who commonly … Read more

New Apple iPhone 4s Problem: Not IPhone 5

The trouble with Apple’s new iPhone 4s is simply that it’s not an Apple iPhone 5. As this blogger explains in the video below…. the worry now in this space is if an upgrade to the iPhone 4s is done, will Apple just turn around and release the Apple iPhone 5 in, say, February 2012? … Read more

Amanda Knox Returns To USA, Says Thank You

After spending four years in an Italian jail in Perugia, Italy, and for a crime she did not commit, Amanda Knox arrived home in Seattle, and to friends and relatives who’ve worked to get her out of jail over the time she was gone. For Knox, she’s going though a massive culture shock in being … Read more

Oakland’s Fox Theater Audit A Smear On Phil Tagami

As stated earlier today by this blogger, the City of Oakland Auditor’s report was little more than a smear job on Oaklander Phil Tagami, the Managing Partner of California Commercial Group, and a booster of Oakland as a place to be other than San Francisco. The report by the Office of City Auditor Courtney Ruby … Read more

Herman Cain On The View, Chris Christie Not Running

Two GOP stars, Herman Cain and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, made news today. Cain was in the news for being the first black GOP Presidential Candidate to appear on ABC’s The View this morning. Governor Christie made the headlines for his decision not to seek the GOP nomination for President of The United States. … Read more

Amanda Knox Back in Seattle

Amanda Knox reminds me of Casey Anthony; I don’t know why this is, but it could be the fact that they are both woman who “got away with murder.” Amanda Knox will be returning to Seattle, Washington today at 8 p.m. ET which is less than half an hour away. USA Today reports that Knox … Read more

New iPhone 5 By Apple – What’s The Story?

So Apple’s about to introduce the much anticipated iPhone 5 on Tuesday morning at 10 AM (and not at Moscone Center, but at Apple’s Headquarters in Cupertino). What’s the deal? Well, that Apple’s not holding such an incredibly important event at Moscone Center in San Francisco is a big deal in itself. Moscone Center has … Read more

Apple iPhone 5 Introduced Tuesday; Will Twitter Explode?

Well, it’s that time again. That time Apple introduces another product we all expect to be super cool, and have a presentation that we know will be super cool. This one is scheduled for Tuesday and to rollout the much anticipated iPhone 5, which is said to have a better camera and longer battery life. … Read more

UnCrunched: Michael Arrington’s New Blog Up And Running

TechCrunch Founder Michael Arrington’s rumored new blog is up, running, and now as of this writing five posts old. It’s called “UnCrunched” and is a simple WordPress blog with little in the way of fancy design or a neat logo. What UnCrunched has is a lot of the famous tech startup observer’s observations about startups, … Read more

Klout’s Major Fail: Ignores Self-Hosted WordPress Blogs

Klout, the scoring platform that keeps tabs on your social media performance by “monitoring” how often you create content on your blogs, and on major sites like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, has a problem. It totally ignores self-hosted WordPress blogs, like this one at Zennie62Blog.com. The system Klout set up asks one to install a … Read more

Hank Williams Jr. Says Obama Like Hitler; Likes Herman Cain

Just what got into country music star and now-formed musician for ESPN’s Monday Night Football, Hank Williams Jr. that he would make a stupid-assed (no other way to describe it) comments about President Obama, comparing him (unfavorably) to, of all people, and without reason, Adolph Hitler. Appearing on Fox News’ Fox & Friends today, Hank … Read more

Amanda Knox Released From Jail; Foxy Knoxy Is Free

In an amazing turn of events, just days after making a tearful and emotional testimony in her own defense, Amana Knox, who with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito was accused of killing Meredith Kercher in 2007 in Perugia, Italy, is now free. The statement was read today, and with the judges statement that she was accquitted, … Read more

Oakland News: Joel Young Of AC Transit Board Cleared Of Sex Attack Charge

In this new Oakland News, Joel Young, the AC Transit Board Member and candidate for the Oakland 18th District Assembly Seat in the California Assembly, was cleared of sex attack charges. Alameda County Judge Judge Jacobson cleared AC Transit Director Joel Young of any wrongdoing in a peculiarly complicated case where, as the story now … Read more

Raiders – Patriots Game, Blaine Gabbert Tweets Again

A quick post before departing for the Oakland Raiders and New England Patriots game that promises to be an epic battle at the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum. First, this game will show just how far the Oakland Raiders have come under new coach Hue Jackson. The Raiders have been called “The Bullies” of the block … Read more

Occupy Wall St, Hot Chicks, and SlutWalk

The idea that Occupy Wall St brings hot chicks, a point this blogger made two days ago now, in response to the photo of an terrifically attractive woman holding up a sign with a quote from Goethe reading “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free,” caused a bit of … Read more

Cute Kitty Cat Fears Hurricane Irene in Bangor Maine

At the end of August the east coast was hit with Hurricane Irene. People on the west coast may not have seen it as a big deal, but although many people were fine there were some instances such as in Vermont where students were trapped and unable to get to school. In Bangor, Maine my … Read more

New York Comic Con

San Diego’s Comic Convention over the summer was a big hit and now the New York Comic Con is on just around the corner. The days of New York Comic Con are October 13-16. Kinetic News reports: “NYCC, which attracted 96,000 attendees in 2010, celebrates comics, television, movies, toys, games, and the popular arts from … Read more

Oakland CA News: Emerge Ca. Party, Joel Young, “No” On The Curfew

A lot of Oakland, Ca. news, so let’s get to it. (Oh, and that’s Oakland, California, for international readers who may not know.) First, this blogger was a late attendee at a party thrown by “Men of The East Bay” for Emerge California. The idea was created by AC Transit Board Member Joel Young as … Read more

Jaime Zapata Case Study

Originally posted at NikkyRaney.com – The Future of Journalism Ice.Gov In the case of the murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, agent Jaime Zapata the media had adequate coverage. It is actually surprising that this Latino man wasn’t stereotyped in the way that other Latinos in the news may be. This could be partly … Read more

Occupy Wall Street Brings Hot Chicks

Day 12 Occupy Wall Street September 28 2011 Shankbone 33, a photo by david_shankbone on Flickr. REBUTTAL TO JEZEBEL UPDATE: Occupy Atlanta Sheds Light On The Movement The Occupy Wall Street Movement has something the Tea Party could never claim to have: hot chicks at its protests quoting Goethe.  This woman, photographed by David Shankbone … Read more

Occupy Wall St Given Life By NYPD: Where’s The Plan?

The formally relatively unknown activist organization called Occupy Wall Street was given public relations life thanks to the antics of a set of very stupid New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers during a recent protest. This blogger’s only question for Occupy Wall Street is “Where’s the plan?” To put it simply, the police (once … Read more

Comcast VidBlogger Nation New Video TV Network

Comcast Corporation, and Comcast Ventures (the cable giant that’s now merged with NBC and who’s unit that will own and operate telecommunications towers) now has “VidBlogger Nation” on its Comcast XFinity on-demand channel system. VidBlogger Nation is a new concept created by Hollywood producer Marc Scarpa. Marc had an idea of essentially mixing video-blogging with … Read more

Bob Sanders: Former Colts Safety, Now With SD Chargers, Out Again

News flash: Bob Sanders, the former standout Colts safety, is injured. That is news sure to warm the hearts of Colts fans who were shocked the Indianapolis NFL team traded him, but let it be said Colts GM Bill Polian knows what he’s doing. Sanders was an excellent NFL Pro Bowl-level player when he was … Read more

MLB Playoffs, Wild Tampa Bay Devil Rays Game Key To Google Explosion

Looking deeper at the whole reason why Major League Baseball dominated Google Trends today, and a number of reasons come up all tied to Wednesday night, and what ESPN’s Mark Krieder called “perhaps the most emotionally volatile night in regular-season baseball history.” Krieder explained that it was the Red Sox Collapse, the Atlanta Braves “heartbreak,” … Read more

MLB Dominates Google Trends Today, 11 Of 20 Results Baseball-Related

Baseball is not dead, not one bit. After a long period of under-repsentation in online search when compared to that juggernaut sports league called The National Football League, or the NFL, baseball, in the form of Major League Baseball, has made a stirring comeback. As of this writing, 11 of the top 20 keyword in … Read more

Dancing With The Stars: Is Hope Solo Getting Fair Shake?

Hope Solo must be wondering what’s going on. Well into her second week on Dancing With The Stars, the U.S. Women’s National Team Soccer Star Goalkeeer saw her and dancing partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy get a total score of 21, but then be bashed for being a woman with muscles. (Which this blogger thinks is sexy.) … Read more

NJ Gov. Chris Christie Insults Obama After Begging For Help

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is evolving into a real piece of work. Elected in February 2009 on a “jobs” platform, the already plain-spoken former Federal District Attorney became an outspoken governor of The Garden State, and now has evolved into a trash-talking politician of the sort that makes your hair stand on end. Christie’s … Read more

Doug Thornton: Hurricane Katrina Superdome Hero In Oakland For SMG

SMG Senior Vice President Doug Thornton came to Oakland to help manage the effort of hosting and securing events for the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex, which includes the O.co Coliseum Stadium and Oracle Arena. Regular readers of this space know that my feeling for how SMG and the Coliseum Authority has handled the sports complex … Read more

Fun At Oakland Raiders – NY Jets Game, Adam Sandler Hold’s Court

Yesterday’s amazing Oakland Raiders v. New York Jets game was, for this blogger, punctuated by a number of events. The first one was meeting Oakland Raiders’ Legend, Linebacker Ted “The Mad Stork” Hendricks, who was given the honor of raising the flag before the game, and to the roar of an appreciative crowd. “Anything to … Read more

Adam Sandler Cracks Dan Patrick Joke At Oakland Raiders v. Jets Game

Adam Sandler was a surprise guest at the Oakland Raiders v. New York Jets game – well, at least to the Coliseum staff. Sandler, who’s star as an actor continues to rise with such movies as the recent Just Go With It, was a guest of New York Jets Owner Robert Wood Johnson. (According to … Read more

Gary Johnson vs Ron Paul

Ron Paul has always been set a part from all the other Republicans running for President, because he is so much different in his views than the others who stood on the stage with him. His libertarian beliefs made him stronger, but now there is someone who has entered the race that people are pinning … Read more

Blaine Gabbert stops Twitter Tweets Before Cam Newton Game

Is Blaine Gabbert so nervous about facing-off against the Carolina Panthers’ Cam Newton, Gabbert can’t Twitter tweet? Blaine Gabbert, the Jacksonville Jaquars NFL Draft 1st Round Pick (10), is a prolific Twitter user. According to Twitter Grader, Gabbert has 2,198 tweets, 32,584 followers, 132 he follows back, and has a “100” score as of this … Read more

Google adds Tyra Banks for Taylor Swift – F for Google + and Diversity

In a response to my charge that Google’s Suggested Users List for Google + was racist and ignored black women, Google replaced singer Taylor Swift, who’s white, with Tyra Banks, who’s black. This was pointed out by Jon Pincus. As much as this blogger blasted Google and Bradley Horowitz for its Google Suggested User List, … Read more