LutzSec Head, Others, Accuse Cloudflare Of Sharing Private Info

Last in the revelation that the head of the hacker group LutzSec is one Hector Xavier Monsegur, is a Twitter stream on his Twitter page The Real Sabu (@anonymouSabu) that openly points to Cloudflare as doing this: evilworks ‏ @evilworks69 @anonymouSabu @cloudflare Cloudflare is giving up data left and right, without credentials. AnonOps had a … Read more

LulzSec Head: 28, NY Giants Fan, Unemployed New Yorker, Black Puerto Rican

When he was CEO of Citcorp, the late Walter Wriston once said about New York and New Yorkers that all he had to do was walk outside of his office and meet the smartest people in the World. Here’s further proof that observation is true today. What’s the common image of a hacker? It’s someone … Read more