Lindsay Lohan Rocks Saturday Night Live

Lindsay Lohan returned to Saturday Night Live after a six-year absence and to a monologue that was one part up-front about her recent drug issues, another part totally hilarious, and the third part a loving welcome back. What was most heart-warming to this blogger was the ovation the SNL audience, and even staff and band … Read more

Lindsay Lohan Playboy Photo Leak – Advantage For Playboy

Lindsay Lohan has $1 million, online web masters have a new source of income, and Playboy has a problem, in the wake of revelations that all of the photos from her recent shoot were leaked. Yes. All of them. is reporting that the news that a Russian hacker found and downloaded the photos to … Read more

Lindsay Lohan Playboy Issue Gets Christmas Release

You can have Lindsay Lohan for Christmas! Playboy founder Hugh Hefner’s announced that, because of the leak that this blogger talks about in the video below, the Lindsay Lohan Playboy Issue will be on newsstands by the end of next week – an early release before Christmas. Hugh Hefner’s taken to Twitter to say a … Read more

Lindsay Lohan Playboy Cover Leaked By 14 Year Old?

The Lindsay Lohan Playboy Cover is out, and websites and blogs from, People Magazine, and, to name some of the many outlets, have weighed in with their view on what is surely going to be one of the legendary magazine’s hottest selling issues when it finally hits the stands. Many of the outlets … Read more

Lindsay Lohan in Playboy

About a month ago Lindsay Lohan was in the news for her disgustingly brown teeth (which she recently got whitened) and the bruises on her hands. Now, she will be appearing in Playboy just in time for Christmas. It seems like this is the only way she could make money, posing nude in a magazine. … Read more

Linday Lohan Problem Caused By TMZ, Eats Tax Dollars

Blame TMZ for Linday Lohan’s court visits! This is just a plain old rant, but this blogger’s sick and tired of certain Hollywood media outlets bird-dogging every move actress Linday Lohan makes, and more to the point, seemingly trying to rat her out to the authorities, saying that she’s not following the terms of her … Read more