Hulk Hogan Sex Tape, BLS, SkyFall, PBS – Google Trends

The Google Trends for today, Friday October5th: Hulk Hogan Sex Tape, BLS, SkyFall, PBS. First, a bit of a reversal: the BLS refers to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics and the newest monthly economic report that was earlier presented here at The report is that 7.8 percent is the new unemployment rate and that’s … Read more

Google Alters Google Trends: Combines It With Google Insight For Search

Google has done it again. In an obvious ongoing effort to prove it hates bloggers, Google has altered Google Trends such that not even the order of the top 10-15 most popular search trends are listed. Now, Google has reduced Google Trends to a landing page that has an input field, and a rolling list … Read more

Google Cuts Google Trends To Below 20 Results, Kills Bloggers’ News Source

Google hates bloggers, and bloggers don’t seem to notice. Google Trends is not a real-time updated news trend platform. Google is on a mission to kill the news sources for bloggers, and it seems we bloggers are as a whole too stupid to see it. In 2007, Google Trends had the top 100, then that … Read more

National Donut Day, Krispy Kreme, “Zombie Attack”, Green Lantern Gay: Google Trends

National Donut Day, Krispy Kreme, “Zombie Attack”, and Green Lantern Gay are the Google Trends for June 1st. Of them, National Donut Day and Krispy Kreme were the most fun to talk about because, to this blogger, it couldn’t be done without actually eating a donut on National Donut Day. No, I didn’t go to … Read more

Google Trends: John Edwards Trial, Martin Short, Kathy Lee Gifford, and DOMA

The Google Trends of note for Thursday, May 31, 2012 were John Edwards Trial, Martin Short, Kathy Lee Gifford, and DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). In the case of John Edwards Trial, the keywords referred to the announced verdict that the former Senator and Presidential Candidate was found not guilty on one of six counts … Read more