
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Author : Nikky Raney

The Mitt and Newt Show

Your Ad Here Last night CNN made the mistake of letting Wolf Blitzer moderate the debate. It goes much better when John King or Anderson Cooper moderate. Last night was the Mitt and Newt show. The two just bantered back and forth about personal problems, their finances and personal things between the two of them. […]

Ron Paul Comes to Bangor, Maine

Your Ad Here I woke up at 7 a.m. and went to the Brick Church in downtown Bangor, Maine with my boyfriend, roommate and some friends. There were over 200 people there (and some dogs as well). We watched as his wife and grand daughter sat down and then a huge applause and standing happened […]

Tess Taylor Still Pretty Wild

Even though E! decided not to pick up a second season of Pretty Wild Tess Taylor has still remained a pretty wild girl. As we can remember in the series which aired in 2010 – Alexis Neiers was part of the Bling Ring scandal and a lot of media coverage focused on that. Alexis went […]

Journalists and Election Coverage

The more online media and blogging takes over the less objective journalists seem to be. They seem to be competing with the blogs as well as one another to be the most interesting publication or network. Your Ad Here The most depressing case is Newsweek, which since 2003 had been my favorite magazine. It usually […]

Superbowl 2012: Rematch

Superbowl 2012 is going to be one that goes down in the books as one of the most memorable. We all remember in 2008 when the Patriots had a flawless season, they had 18 wins going into the Super Bowl to compete against the New York Giants who did not have the same pristine record. […]

Gabby Giffords Resigns

Your Ad Here It has been a year since Arizona representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona. CNN reports that Giffords will be focusing on her recuperation: “”A lot has happened over the past year. We cannot change that,” Giffords, 41, says in a video on her website, speaking in a halting manner. “I don’t […]

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina

Your Ad Here So there have only been 2 percent of the votes of South Carolina, but already CNN says that Newt Gingrich has won. Even though the current percentage has Newt at 32%, Romney at 40%, Santorum at 14% and Paul at 10%. Watching CNN for less than 37 minutes since the polls have […]

South Carolina Primary

Your Ad Here Today is the primary in South Carolina and there are only four Republicans left in the race for the nomination. Rick Perry dropped out earlier this week and he endorsed Newt Gingrich. The evening after dropping out there was a Republican debate on CNN with the final four candidates in South Carolina […]

SOPA and PIPA Dropped by Congress

Your Ad Here SOPA and PIPA have been postponed indefinitely according to various reports including CNN. This is great news and shows that the Internet protests really do make a difference and have the ability to make an impact. CNN reports: “The Senate had been scheduled to hold a proceedural vote next week on whether […]

How SOPA and PIPA Impacts You

So how does SOPA and PIPA impact you, the individual surfing the web and not necessarily contributing to web sites or doing any business or marketing on the web. Well, according to PC World one of the aspects that could have impacted you the most is being taken out: “The lead sponsor of the U.S. […]

SOPA is bad

Here’s a bias blog post on a very hot topic. A topic that I care very much about and am deeply opposed to. The fact that Obama is not going to veto this appalls me and really makes me upset. Nancy Pelosi, Ron Paul, Wikipeda and Twitter are just a few against SOPA. SOPA is […]

Time’s Up Tebow

Your Ad Here “All he does is win” is no longer a viable catch phrase, because the time is up for Tim Tebow. The Patriots are spanking the Broncos currently the score is Broncos 7 and Patriots 35. People may say “well it’s not Tebow losing it’s the Broncos.” Well, when the Broncos wins everyone […]

Jersey Shore: Season 5 Episode 2

Your Ad Here A lot goes on in this episode including a hook up stealing Pauly D’s chain [then giving it back], Jionni borrowing Situation’s clothing, Pauly D’s face peeling frokm tanning, etc, but the most important thing is what goes on with Vinny. Vinny is anxious, he has a lot of anxiety and it […]

U.S. Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban

Your Ad Here A video surfaced on the Internet of four United States Marines urinating on the dead bodies of supposed Taliban members. These four Marines have since been identified, and this is definitely not something that they should be proud of. The military careers of the four men are most likely finished. (Anyone who […]

New Hampshire Primary Predictions.

Your Ad Here Today in New Hampshire is the primary and Democrats don’t have much of a choice of who to vote for, since NH is a closed primary and Democrats can only vote for Democrats and Republicans must vote Republican, and the Republican race is going to be far more interesting than the Democratic […]

Jay-Z and Beyonce’s Baby

Your Ad Here Beyonce finally gave birth to her and Jay-Z’s daughter who they named “Blue Ivy.” So, Blue Ivy Carter (since Jay-Z’s real name is Shawn Carter). According to MTV News the baby has been welcomed into the world from various celebrities on Twitter (even though a baby can’t read tweets). She was born […]

Republicans Debate Back to Back

Your Ad Here Last night at 9 pm the Republicans debated at St Anslem College for the first time without Bachmann, and this morning at 9 a.m. they debated in New Hampshire’s capital. Two debates within 12 hours of each other – that’s a lot of debating. The debate from last night stood out more […]

Miss Representation

This video needs to be seen by everyone, women especially. Whether feminist or not – all women should be able to appreciate this video: Miss Representation 8 min. Trailer 8/23/11 from Miss Representation on Vimeo. It talks about how the media portrays America and informs that Afghanistan and Iraq have more women in government positions […]

Huntsman put all his eggs in one basket

Your Ad Here Jon Huntsman didn’t spend any time in Iowa – he didn’t feel as though Iowa was worth it. It may have been him that said “Iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks presidents.” New York Daily News reports that Huntsman is banking on a strong NH primary performance. Recently some Ron Paul supporters […]

Elin Nordegren Tears Down Walls

Your Ad Here Elin Nordegren is known for being the ex-wife of Tiger Woods. It has been two years since he cheated on her with over 20 women and she has since received lots of money. Well, this Swedish model has reportedly demolished her $12 million house in North Palm Beach, Florida and plans to […]

Jersey Shore Season 5 Premiere

Your Ad Here The Jersey Shore cast is out of Italy and back in Jersey for season 5. The cast goes STRAIGHT from Italy and flies to Jersey – which is weird, because usually they take a break between seasons and hang out with family, but this time they went straight from Italy to the […]

Katy Perry Wasn’t Ready For Kids

Your Ad Here According to the Daily Mail it was Katy Perry who was not ready to settle down and start a family. And they seem pretty legitimate since they have the divorce paperwork: Apparently Katy Perry was too caught up in being famous and being Katy Perry and she wasn’t ready to settle down, […]

A Very New England Victory

Your Ad Here The New England Patriots beat the Buffalo Bills in today’s game. The score was 49 – 21, which is incredible for the Pats and could definitely help them inch closer to being in the Super Bowl this year! What a great way for the Patriots to ring in the New Year. This […]

Katy Perry’s Divorce

Your Ad Here So, this is my third blog post about Katy Perry. The first one I said that her and Russell Brand weren’t getting divorced, the second I announced that Russell Brand would be divorcing Katy Perry and in this post I am going to be reporting that TMZ and other sources (although TMZ […]

Who willl win the Iowa Caucus?

Your Ad Here The Iowa Caucus is on January 3, 2012 (Tuesday), and although it is a caucus and not a primary it is still important. Caucuses are really important for the media to see how a candidate is doing, and this year it will be very important to see who wins Iowa. Watching CNN […]

Russell Brand Divorces Katy Perry

Earlier today I posted a blog post saying that TMZ reported not to worry that Katy Perry and Russell Brand would not be getting divorced. On IMDB.com there is an article linking to People Magazine online which has informed the public that Russell Brand is going to be filing for divorce. This is what it […]

Ron Paul Celebrity Endorsements

Ron Paul has been endorsed by some celebrities – one of them being American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. Fox News reported that when she announced she was endorsing Dr. Paul she lost some fans, but she also gained a lot of fans: “”I love Ron Paul,” Clarkson tweeted Wednesday night.. “I liked him a lot […]

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

Your Ad Here The married couple, Katy Perry and Russell Brand, have both been seen separately and both were not wearing their wedding rings. This has caused speculation from various news sources that the two may be headed toward a split, but TMZ reassures everyone that the duo are not headed for a divorce: “One […]

Top 5 Reasons Bachmann Should Quit

Your Ad Here Michele Bachmann should quit. I have put together the top five reasons that I personally believe that Bachmann should just drop out of the race. These are in no particular order of importance. 1) Her Iowa Campaign Adviser left her for Ron Paul. She claims that the Ron Paul campaign offered Kent […]

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