Extreme Biodiesel’s XRTM Cannabis Ventures Medical Marijuana Plant Plan Is Real

Extreme Biodiesel’s XRTM Cannabis Ventures is real, folks.

There’s something I have to communicate just to cut through the content that is trying to put out false information about Extreme Biodiesel’s XRTM Cannabis Ventures.

The bottom line in this space is that this company was born of a piece of legislation called “The Farm Bill.” The $900 million bill has in it an unprecedented provision allowing 10 states to encourage the production of hemp. Moreover, the same Farm Bill was signed into law on February 4th, and then, because Extreme Biodiesel’s XRTM Cannabis Ventures was able to secure financing to build a hemp manufacturing plant in California, it’s stock was poised to take off, and it did.

The dramatic growth of the stock came from the passage of a law, not from a pump-and-dump scheme. When I saw reference to that take, I hit the ceiling, but leave it to some who are too cynical to either see or understand the interplay of law and economics to get it.

For me, this wasn’t about a stock as much as it was about promoting a new form of business. Being at the ground floor of a truly new and potentially enormous business is nothing short of exciting. You can’t deny what’s happening.

Look, I don’t smoke weed, and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had a joint in my life. That’s not the issue; it’s social change and its impact on commerce.

Colorado’s already expecting enormous tax revenue benefits from sale of medical marijuana, and I’m sure other states will file similar proposals. The bottom line, to say that term as it applies, is that there’s a pent-up demand for hemp for medical purposes.

That’s not something you can fake.

Stay tuned.

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