Associated Press Borys Krawczeniuk Calls White Supremacist Group “White Rights Group”

The Associated Press’ Borys Krawczeniuk, a writer with the Times Tribune of Scranton, Penn, called an obvious white supremacist group called the European American Action Coalition, a “white rights group” and for reasons not explained, and caused this blogger to look into his history for any signs of participation in such hate groups.

On top of that, The Associated Press’ regional editor, listed in Linkedin as Karen Testa Wong, but referred to as “Karen Testa” indicating that she may be in the middle of a divorce, reacted angrily when Daniel Denvir of City Paper contacted her for a copy of the article. The East Region Editor, on the job for all of a year, said “What possible purpose would there be for me to send you this story when you’re trying to cause trouble for how it was written? That’s a good way to build a journalism career,” and then hung up on him.

Now, before we go back to Karen Testa, we have to look at Borys Krawczeniuk. Mr. Krawczeniuk lives in Scranton (called a struggling former coal town in Pennsylvania of 61,000) and hails from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and has this Twitter handle: @BorysBlogTT.


His Facebook page reveals a friend base that’s almost all white , notably save for a black man by the name of Chuck Bailey, who lives in Philadelphia.

I could go on, but I’ve found no obvious signs that Borys is openly racist, but his lack of friends of color may be a signal that he may have some small race issues. But that said, and aside, Mr. Borys Krawczeniuk may not be in hot water with the Asociated Press, but both are with the general public.

Crooks And Liars blog said that this was an example of an attempt to “mainstream” white supremacists groups – but to me, it’s worse than that because it came from a journalist organization that failed to correct the material.

Why Karen Tesla would allow this is the other large question.

Stay tuned.

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