Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 Plane Crashes At San Francisco Airport Runway 28-Left

UPDATE: Was Windshear The Cause?

sfo-crashAt around 12 noon, PDT, an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 came in for a landing, but according to KTVU’s Frank Somerville, the plane came in for a landing but hit the seawall.

From that, and from my experience in flying in to SFO, it sounds like the aircraft was coming in at runway 22-Right or 28-Left, which are such that if you don’t land it just right, you could hit the seawall.

Here’s a video from Zennie62Media that shows how a plane lands at runway 22-R, in this case a United Airlines plane:

Reportedly, it was landing at what many have said is “an odd angle” which implies that someone may have a video of the landing of the plane. The “odd angle” was that the nose was much higher than it should have been, and that would explain why the aircraft hit the seawall in from of 28-L.

Stay tuned.

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