Tout Micro-Video Sharing Adds CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Team

Not too removed from it’s block-buster public relations move in getting Shaquille O’Neill to announce his retirement using it, Tout, the micro-video sharing site (think 12 Seconds-plus-three combined with Twitter) started by San Francisco Internet Entrepreneur Michael Downing in partnership with SRI (Stanford Research Institute) in 2009…

…has added CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 team.

Kaj Larsen and Neil Hallsworth, who travel the World on assignment for Anderson Cooper 360, have said, again via Tout, that they will use it to announce what they’re doing.

Since Shaq’s big Wednesday June 1st splash Tout, the site has seen a number of high-profile additions, like Larry Flint, the Founder of Hustler and Penthouse magazines. Tout also added a high-profile executive: Scott Epstein from Google.

Epstein came over as a adviser to the firm, but “immediately saw the product’s huge potential,” according to Downing. So, on June 8th, and on the heels of Shaq, Epstein joined the Tout family.

How Does Tout Work?

Tout very simply allows you to upload a 15 second video using an app or a designated part of a YouTube video. Here’s Touts own YouTube video on how Tout works:

Stay tuned for more on Tout.

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