Ryan Dunn, Vancouver Kissing Couple, Southwest Airlines, Gov Christy – Zennie62 On Pop Culture

Five stories in American pop culture from last week that have captured our attention. The video above has brief clips related to them, and that you can look at to gain an idea of what the issue is that has brought each subject-event to pop culture status.

1) The Vancouver Kissing Couple’s real story – Scott Jones and Alex Thomas kissing amid the Vancouver Riots. Real story is in this video clip. If you look at it, you can see the in the video that the two are overran and tackled by police, then back off. What everyone saw was the photo before the video. Now we know the truth.

2) New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christy gets a bit too trollish in an exchange with a constituent who asked a good question. Rather than answer her query, Governor Christy gets off a “it’s none of your business” blasg at her, saying that he doesn’t ask her what she does with her children. Now, I thought his response was impolite and impolitic. While number of my friends got a kick out of it, I don’t think it’s going to help him in the future. People have a right to know what their governor does with the money they pay him.

3) Ryan Dunn’s friend Bam Margera broke down while explaining where he was when he learned that fellow Jackass-star Dunn was killed and said that he basically, well, give a listen here.

4) In the Philadelphia suburb of Yeadon, Willaisha Rankins was drving this car. Watch as she drives out, and then just runs into the 7 11 Clerk as he’s taking out the trash. Now, I split the video to avoid showing you the collision that happened. But then look, as one of the passengers just gets out of the car and walks off! The clerk was not harmed beyond some bruises no kidding.

5) Finally, if you’ve not heard about the Southwest Pilot who was complaining about flight attendants with his hot mic on, here it is. Oh. And guess what? This guy’s back to work! Yep. He was reinstated this week. Personally, I think his punishment should be to apologize in front of the flight attendants union rank and file.

OK, so which one of these stories was the most interesting to you? And what’s your view about these stories? Let me know, and please subscribe to Zennie62 on YouTube and follow Zennie62 on Twitter!

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