GOP Debate Overview

Watching the GOP Presidential Debates last night on CNN while tweeting was rather interesting. It would have been great to actually be in New Hampshire and witness the event, but sitting in front of the television is the next best thing. CNN’s John King hosted the debate.

Has anyone else noticed that Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum look a lot alike? Just putting it out there, because there are times when it was hard to tell the difference between the two. Pawlenty went on about Obamney-Care but didn’t go through with it when confronted directly in front of Romney, and Santorum spoke of how he was part of unions and his family was “Reagan Democrats who now listen to Rush Limbaugh.”

Michele Bachmann used the debate as an opportunity to announce her official candidacy for President. She signed and submitted the official paperwork prior to the debate.

Ron Paul’s answers were short, sweet and to the point — unlike Mitt Romney who went on and on about things not even addressed in the questions. The questions were directly from New Hampshire citizens which was great.

Newt Gingrich was a bit of a flip flopper. The Former Speaker of The House spoke of his NASA opinions.

According to Facebook Likes Mitt Romney won the debate, Bachmann got second and Ron Paul was third:

Pawlenty could have done better if he didn’t “pussy out” when confronted with how he spoke of Romney.

More on this in posts soon. There will be some in depth analysis of each candidate that was part of the debate.

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