Celebrities are coming out of the woodwork with confessions. Dennis Quaid (known for Parent Trap among others) is confessing that he was a coke addict.
Dennis Quaid wrote an article for Newsweek about his cocaine addiction and says that it was the biggest mistake he ever made – well, that’s good to know.
NY Daily News reports:
“Coming from where I came from – lower-middle-class life, from Houston into Hollywood – and all of a sudden this success starts happening to you, I just didn’t know how to handle that,” he wrote.
“Doing blow just contributed to me not being able to handle the fame, which, at the time, I guess I felt I didn’t deserve,” he said.
Quaid described his “casual” introduction to the narcotic by explaining it was the party drug of choice at Hollywood’s swankiest bashes.
Charlie Sheen should learn something from Dennis Quaid.
Read the article here.
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