Brenda Dickson: Huffington Post, NY Post Still Run False Homeless Story

Brenda Dickson, the actress who played Jill Foster Abbott on The Young and The Restless until 2005, can’t catch a break with The Huffington Post and The New York Post.

For reasons that boggle the mind of this blogger, The Huffington Post, in particular, seems bent on running a headline that Brenda Dickson was “once homeless” even though she says she wasn’t and even the article’s bottom paragraph confirms that she was not ever homeless.

So, why not change the headline?

Here’s my video on this:

And The Huffington Post and NY Post seem to insist on running the wrong headlines, even as this blogger emailed the editors on behalf of Brenda:


Brenda Dickson, the actress from “Young and The Restless” and known for her role as Jill Foster Abbott, expressed to me Sunday that she’s quite upset that news organizations have reported that she was homeless.

As I explain in this vldeo blog I created when I returned from covering The Night of 100 Stars Oscars Party in Beverly Hills, and where Brenda lives, she’s never been homeless, and The Huffington Post ran an updated article, for which they need to change the title.


But the NY Post still has the full error of an article, here:

Will you all please help by changing this. Perhaps “Soap Star Says Judge Wanted To Make Her Homeless” – that would be accurate.



Stay tuned.

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