RIP Leonard Nimoy Spock From Star Trek Passes – Video

RIP Leonard Nimoy Spock From Star Trek Passes – Video

RIP Leonard Nimoy Spock From Star Trek Passes

Leonard Nimoy passed away at 83 and after a long life punctuated by his role as Mr. Spock on Star Trek.

Spock was the first nerd. He had a logical way of thinking thanks to his Vulcan ethnicity but tempered with a human half thanks to his mother.

At first Leonard Nimoy did not want to be Spock. When I met him in 1981 he was trying to avoid being Spock. He even wrote a book called I Am Not Spock. I did not buy it.

Then in 1995 he came out with I Am Spock. I bought that one.

Spock and Star Trek are enduring symbols of a better World. Live Long and Prosper.

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