GDC 2015 – As GDC 2015 Approaches, #GamerGate Rancor Continues

Game Developer Conference 2015 is fast approaching and starts March 2nd at Moscone Center in San Francisco. But this year’s normally cool and collaborative convention just may be hampered by the still-smoldering tempers in the rather immature male v female sex war called “GamerGate.”

First, Gawker’s got it wrong: #GamerGate is not “”#GamerGate” is an online movement ostensibly concerned with ethics in game journalism and with protecting the “gamer” identity.” That’s not the case.

Basically, “GamerGate” or #GamerGate if you like, started because some so-called gamers took offense to what they believed was a woman using her sexuality to get a hook up with a journalist, Nathan Grayson, who then mentioned her game. The woman in question is Zoe Quinn, and the one who outed this sexual stuff was her massively pissed off ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni.

This guy Eron was so upset he made a blog – not just an entry, but an entire blog called The Zoe Post, and all about guess who? In it, he writes a lot of really personal details that reveal not only did she sleep and have a true “Facbook confirmed” relationship, but was also sleeping with her married boss, Joshua Boggs.

And, get this, it’s Eron Gjoni who gets all detective and wants to go about finding Joshua Boggs wife to tell her!

But juicy details aside, and there are a lot o them, this is a story of a very nyphomanical woman, period. Zoe Quinn likes to fuck, and it just so happens she was in the gaming industry and screwing more than one man involved it it, and in different ways: her boss, Eron, who she made Depression Quest with, and Nathan Grayson, who just happened to be a game blogger.

What a number of people who are angry with Zoe miss is that she wasn’t trying to screw her way to the top, she was just trying to screw.

Some guys can’t handle that.

They also can’t handle Anita Sarkeesian, who, last year, and the year before, elected to poke male and female gamers because of their misogyny. i, for one, defend her right to say what’s on her mind…

Still, others harassed Anita Sarkeesian to no end.

The result was a level of online harassment that landed her on the Colbert Report:

All of that has led to what today is still a constant, high level of rancor between men and women who are planning to attend Game Developer Conference 2015. It’s really sad, too. The whole #GamerGate controvery just reveals a generation of men and women who didn’t seem to get the memo on how to communicate. Women like Zoe have to be honest about their sexuality, and guys like Eron Gjoni have to know that if that woman is making up reasons not to see you, there’s a good chance there’s someone (or more than one someone else) else filling their time (if you will).

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