SpoonRocket.com Food Delivery Needs To Train Service People – Video

SpoonRocket.com Food Delivery Needs To Train Service People – Video
SpoonRocket.com food delivery service needs to train it’s people better.

I am in Oakland walking home from the gym and this car pulls up alongside me as I near home. The door has a logo on it that is in the shape of the Starship Enterprise but also looks like eating utensils.

Being a good Trekker I asked what the company did such that it would have such a logo. “Food,” the guy said, Look it up.”

So when I asked what kind of food he kept being nasty so I made this vlog. SpoonRocket.com has to train it’s service delivery people better. Why should I try it over Yang Chow, which is my favorite Chinese Food restaurant in Oakland?

People who take service jobs have to stop being assholes. It does not help anyone in business. Period.

I still don’t know why SpoonRocket has the Star Trek logo!

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