Courtney Ruby Would Make Awful Mayor Of Oakland

Courtney Ruby Would Make Awful Mayor Of Oakland.

Courtney Ruby Would Make Awful Mayor Of Oakland because of the way she’s handled the officer of Oakland City Auditor. Ms. Ruby has used the office and Oakland’s laws on a treacherous and all-too-personal strategy of targeting those who she believed were the most politically vulnerable, black or minority, or those who she just didn’t like.

Ask yourself why we as the City of Oakland have put $20 million of Oakland General Fund money into the Oakland Coliseum since 1997, and yet Courtney Ruby has not only not audited the Oakland Coliseum, she’s refused to do so, saying she didn’t have enough resources.

But when it comes to attacking people like Oakland Developer Phil Tagami, she not only audited the Fox Theater, but reportedly in the process of gathering information for the report, even inquired as to how Mr. Tagami met his wife. What business that is of hers is puzzling to me.

In the case of Oakland Councilmembers Desley Brooks and Larry Reid, Ruby wrote a report that singled just those two black councilmembers out for violating a section of the Oakland City Charter that involves “non-interference” with city staff, when she knew and even went so far as to write in her report, that the same claim could be made for all of the Oakland City Councilmembers. So why single out the two black councilmembers?

Her report reduced City Hall to a ragging battlefield that split along racial lines. Outside City Hall, Ruby’s actions attracted the attention of racists who vented their hatred for anyone black on message boards. Courtney Ruby has apologized for none of this.

And yet she has the nerve to insult good Oaklanders by running for Mayor. Frankly, Bryan Parker’s the better choice, as is Libby Schaaf or Joe Tuman – even Mayor Quan is a better choice!

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