CPUC, PG&E New Emails Show “Shocking” Corruption Levels

The City of San Bruno said it is shocked by new emails released today that provide new proof of corruption between the Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the highest levels of the California Public Utilities Commission and the California State Government.

Here’s my interview with San Bruno Mayor Jim Ruane at last week’s final CPUC meeting for 2014, and last for Chairman Mike Peevey (front photo of CPUC Chairman Mike Peevey courtesy of LA Times):

San Bruno Mayor Jim Ruane said the latest round of communications – in which PG&E executives are shown lobbying the Governor’s office and making backroom deals with CPUC Commissioners over bottles of Johnny Walker Blue Label – are new examples of the same public corruption that recently led to the resignation of Commission President Michael Peevey, the recusal of Commissioner Mike Florio and the termination of three PG&E executives earlier this year.

“These latest emails provide additional undisputed proof of the same public corruption between PG&E and the CPUC that has led to the termination of top PG&E executives and a shake up of this state agency,” Ruane said. “These emails demonstrate PG&E executives making deals with Commissioners about public rates and public safety outside of public view. It’s illegal, it’s unethical, it’s wrong–and we expect those involved will be punished to the highest extent of the law by the California Attorney General’s Office and Federal Prosecutors.”

San Bruno condemned the release of these emails days before the Christmas break, calling the action “yet another thinly-veiled attempt by PG&E to disclose damning proof of their bad behavior and public corruption at the CPUC at a time when the public and the news media are heading into the Holiday Season.”

Ruane further criticized PG&E’s announcement today to release all 65,000 emails in February 2015.

“PG&E has said they will release all 65,000 emails in February in an effort to be transparent. But those of us watching know that this is another deception –PG&E has the ability and the obligation to turn these emails over immediately so that the public can know the full extent of the wrongdoing that has taken place.”

Ruane said the City is now considering all legal options to not only compel PG&E to immediately turn over the remaining 65,000 emails but also ensure PG&E and the CPUC face appropriate punishment. The City will announce the actions it intends to take by the first of the New Year.

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