Star Wars The Force Awakens Official Trailer Review

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer is now at Apple ITunes and here:

It’s 1:28 long but that short time of video presents the message that we will have a modern Star Wars. It opens with famed cult actor John Boyega, known for Attack The Block, as a StormTrooper on what appears to be Tatoine, the dessert planet that Luke Skywalker grew up on.

That opening scene with the black actor says that this will be a Star Wars that is inclusive and diverse. It also says that StormTroupers can fear.

Another scene is with actress Daisy Ridley piloting some kind of large transport vessel. She and Boyega further signal the racial diversity of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

If you think about it, it makes sense to have humans of different colors as Star Wars has many types of humanoid aliens.

The other cool scene to me is the one of the X-Wing Fighters flying just over the water, causing neat trails of mist.

Lastly, we hear the classic music by John Williams.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be released December of 2015.

Stay tuned.

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