Carrie Underwood Says Shes White Republican Obama Black Hater At CMAs – Video

Carrie Underwood Says Shes White Republican Obama Black Hater At CMAs – Video
Carrie Underwood Says Shes White Republican Obama Black Hater At CMAs

OK, Carrie Underwood did not exactly come out and say that but for the second year in a row, she came out and sent that message.

Carrie Underwood has to realize that she’s pandering to white supremacists and racists and will chase many of her fans away. Like me.

Carrie Underwood should do her music; she knows nothing at all about the U.S. Economy or the heathcare system. What she knows is that her white friends are Republican, so she feels she has to be that too. She’s given zero thought to why she holds her views.

Mwanwhile, Taylor Swift bolted the CMAs because it’s started to take on a racist tone. She does not want to be associated with that, and Carrie Underwood should not want to be either.

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