Wonder Woman Theresa Ivancik FBB In Mike’s Apple Ale Commercial

Wonder Woman Theresa Ivancik FBB In Mike’s Apple Ale Commercial
Wonder Woman Theresa Ivancik FBB In Mike’s Apple Ale Commercial

Theresa Ivancik, female bodybuilder out of Butler PA, is making a celebrity name for herself. First, she was in BEST, the British Tabloid Magazine, then in the local Butler Eagle, and earlier this year, the Wonder Woman was featured in a commercial for Mike’s Apple Ale. all of this in 2014.

Theresa Ivancik is the first FBB to actually use this blogger’s 10 year old guidelines to achieve a “Paris Hilton” level of celebrity. Here’s that list from 2005:

1) Development of a website and/or blog (a blog is cheaper to start as one can go to — to use one example — www.blogger.com and start one for free. The result, instant website, but more on this later)

2) Exchanging links with other webmasters to increase the popularity of the webpages, and therefore the total site, with search engines.

3) Add Google AdSense, and affiliate marketing links permitting visitors to buy related items like clothes and books on the website, thus “monetizing” the website. In this way, it makes money for the woman bodybuilder while she’s off at the gym. Why? Because when visitors come to a site, they will click on whatever’s of interest to them that can be clicked. All the better to induce impulse shopping in the website by having links to products and services.

4) Have at least 250 business cards with their email and website address.

5) Offer photos to see on the site, but not for sale. Why? Because Google has a provision such that some images can be downloaded right from their site. To see this, go to www.google.com, type Jody May, then click on “images.” (And read SBS’s interview with Jody May with a click here) This is less true for Amanda Dunbar, as her site has frames. Google has a harder time reading frame-based websites. But then, such sites are also not well ranked in search engines.

6) Offer a members section with just a few photos. If a person pays to be a part of the section, the number of members can make up for the fact that the photos will be out in the Internet domain and available for free.

7) Offer a calendar for sale with more photos. You can do this for free at http://ift.tt/1v3fXqz This is a better way than just spraying the site with photos, as they’re protected from Internet exposure, thus because of the “scarcity” of the photos available online, the calendar is more in demand.

8) Join a website group or get on a message board.

9) Offer T-shirts for sale online. The woman bodybuilder can use CafePress at www.cafepress.com to make her own shirts for free, and for purchase by others. That’s right, there’s no up front cost to do this.

10) Send out press releases using PRWEB (Tell your company story to thousands!) and about any little thing the woman bodybuilder does. Starting a new members section of a website? Write a press release. Got a new trainer? Write a press release. Taking on personal training clients? Write a press release. This, again, can be done for free.

11) Send an email to, then call the local sports editor. The woman bodybuilder can pitch herself as a local sports interest story. Or, the person enjoys writing, they can pen four example columns of 600 words each, and send them in as an email attachment. Oh, and place them on the website, too.

12) For each week of working out toward a contest, the female bodybuilder should write a press release updating the World about their progress.

13) The woman bodybuilder that’s in a contest should have a special event for her fans. Again, setting aside a part of a local restaurant and inviting fans on the website to come to a “meet and greet” before the contest builds support that will lead to a fan base in the stands at the contest, influencing judges. “This costs money,” you say? It doesn’t have to. The woman bodybuilder can just ask their fans to buy one appetizer or one drink. The establishment wins by having a group of buyers of its food product.

14) Finally, the woman bodybuilder should get out and about. To A-list local parties. To charity benefit dinners. More public exposure in these settings builds celebrity.

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