Sochi Olympics Gets Support From American Athletes Like Nick Cunningham

Gracie Gold, Ashley Wagner: USA Olympics Skaters In Glo-Blades?

Nick Cunningham photo The Sochi Olympics in Russia have bashed from many American journalists and from those on social media (like myself) who aren’t even there.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that Russian bloggers would look for any evidence of support of the Sochi Olympics effort. And who can blame them? If the Olympics were held in your town, you’d step up to the plate to lend your positive words (unless you were against the project to start with).

But I digress.

Dana Andreeva, a blogger who contributes to a blog called “,” reports that American athletes in Sochi have come to the rescue of the town, and Russia. I used Google Translate to report what Dana wrote. Here it is:

Organizers of the “Sochi-2014” received support from an unexpected quarter. While one of the famous American bobsledder curiosity with the door in the bathroom, his teammates were against groundless criticism Olympics.

“Hashtag # ProblemySochi (# SochiProblems) – it’s just ridiculous. America, stop being ignorant! Enough to follow the negative trend, “- wrote in his Twitter bobsledder Nick Cunningham. Encourages athlete to focus on what’s really important: the competition. “It amazes me that 98% of people who criticize the Olympics are not even here,” – he adds.

She also shows a Twitter tweet from U.S. bobsleder Nick Cunningham, who’s Twitter account was so full of pro-Sochi tweets, I had to give pause. Take a look:

Ok, so I did visit, and I’ll blog about what I learned in a separate post.


I also have to explain my motivation for a knee-jerk, wrong-headed, anti-Sochi take: celebrated Russian Olympian Irina Rodnina’s racist Twitter tweet against President Barack Obama. The one question African Americans or folks of African decent have is ‘How will I be treated in a foreign setting as a tourist?’

Irina’s tweet was not only insulting toward President Obama, but because it was race-based and anti-black, it was insulting and threatening toward anyone who is African American. The obvious question is ‘Will I be racially threatened in Russia?’

So on that basis, what is one to think about Sochi? See?

Fortunately, Irina finally issued an apology on Monday. I asked her, in Russian, on Twitter, to do that. That made me feel better.

Stay tuned.

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