Marcus Smart Shoved Jeff Orr For Calling Him N Word. Or Did He?

Marcus Smart Shoved Jeff Orr For Calling Him N Word.

marcus smart n-word Marcus Smart got into an altercation with a fan named Jeff Orr and during the Oklahoma State at Texas Tech basketball game. It was an epic contest that ended in an upset for the then-19th ranked Oklahoma State Cowboys, who lost to the Red Raiders at the last seconds, including a steal-then-dunk that ended with Ok State’s Marcus Smart on the floor, taking a fall at the base of the basket and more into the crowd than not.

Marcus Smart heard someone say something behind him, and it must have been terrible, because he got up from his position of having his ass on the ground to one putting him right in Texas Tech “Superfan” Orr’s face faster than greased lightening. Smart said something to Orr, Orr responded, and Smart shoved him, then was quickly grabbed and pulled away by his teammates.

As he was being taken away, Marcus Smart yelled and pointed at Orr in an angry fashion. Smart’s anger only increased when it appeared that he, and not Orr, was going to be punished for the incident.

Now comes word that what Orr said was prety much just as bad as calling him the N-word. According to a number of Twitter-based accounts from people who were close to the incident, and in one case a man named Doug Gottlieb, Orr told Smart to “Go back to Africa.”

That’s just as bad as the n-word, if that’s the case.

There is, reportedly, no rule in college basketball for fans who taunt players in this way. There should be.

Remember the 13-year-old girl who said a racist comment to Austrailian rules footballer Adam Goodes? She was ejected, and learned a valuable lesson at a young age. Because we’re too accepting of the Jeff Orr’s of the World here in America, Orr goes away unpunished, and he’s old enough to be that little girls’ father.

Think about it.

Stay tuned.

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