The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl Ad Reveals Average Special Effects

THE-AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-2The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Super Bowl Ad Part 1 was released seven hours ago and has already amassed 200,000 views.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl Ad reveals a movie that’s really so special effects laden (and the effects are really cool in intent, but average in execution) that I’m wondering if they’re showing too much of the juicy parts of it.
Here’s the video:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — Super Bowl Ad Part 1 has average special effects. The overall problem is that you can tell what effect is overlayed to what scene. I think MARVEL made a huge mistake in electing to show these scenes without giving them more depth-of-field and detail polish.

The best special effects don’t look like special effects.

That’s not true for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Stay tuned.

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