Sony HMZT3W Personal Viewer At CES 2014: Zennie Abraham Reaction

856803_10153754683255294_414812915_o (Zennie62Media coverage of CES 2014 sponsored by, the leaders in affinity USB flash drives. Sony HMZT3W Personal Viewer At CES 2014: Zennie Abraham Reaction. The Sony HMZT3W Personal Viewer is an amazing wear-on-your-head device that you use to view various kinds of visual entertainment designed for it. I have tried one before, but the one I put on two years ago was nothing compared to this on sale version featured at the Sony Press Event at CES 2014 on Monday. It really brings you into, in this case, a Formula One race. It’s a total trip, to be frank.

The “total trip” is also on sale now for $999, or about $500 less than Google Glass.

Stay tuned.

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