Mike Brown Shooting: Ferguson Police And KKK Ties

The Mike Brown Shooting in Ferguson, Missouri (near St.Louis) has become an awful symbol of police power run amok. But why? Lost in the reports of police brutality is a shocking backstory: the KKK, America’s premier white supremacist group, had conducted a recruiting campaign in parts of the St. Louis Metro Area, and beyond. It focused on the towns of O’Fallon, Lexington, Springfield, Park Hills, Fenton, and Fredericktown. Ferguson was not visited because it’s 60 percent black, but it’s clear there’s an active white supremacist society at work in the area.

Frank Ancona is the current leader of one KKK organization, and he lives in Park Hills. He has been a constant media presence, talking about how the KKK is concerned with drug dealing in neighborhoods. It’s like he’s trying to paint the KKK as the Guardian Angels.

In light of the finding that two police officers in Fruitland Park Florida were members of a local KKK organization, why not investigate members of the Ferguson Police Department? The focus should be not just on the officers, but on their families and associates. And anyone of the Ferguson Police Officers who are found to fit this profile must be terminated.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson should be made to answer the question: are their white supremacists working in the Ferguson Police Department, and if not, have you investigated to determine of that is or is not so?

Stay tuned. http://ift.tt/1owPHBW

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