Snow In Chicago On Christmas Night Part Of Midwest Storms

chicago hyde park Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays, too. I certainly hope your Christmas Day was as fun and relaxing as mine.

I’m here in Chicago where on Christmas Eve night it was clear and no snow on the ground; Christmas morning produced a different story: snow. Then, as we were leaving dinner in Hyde Park, a new batch of snow was falling, and that’s what you see in the video above.

As it happens, the Midwest United States, which is where Chicago is located, is in the middle of a large storm – one that has caused a number of power-outages. Fortunately, that has not happened here in Chicago, or at least on the South Side, where I am.

Right now, it’s 24 degrees outside. To me, that’s not cold – now 10-below zero is totally cold. The weather forecast is not for anything near that, at least for the time that I’m here.

Stay tuned.

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