Oakland Raiders Don’t Look Like Oakland Raiders

Raider-logo-4There’s something wrong with the 2013 Oakland Raiders. This team just doesn’t have the old Oakland Raiders ethic or attitude. It doesn’t have an offense that attacks deep. The defense is about the only unit that comes close to what the Raiders mystic is, but even it falls away from it all too often.

It’s as if the Oakland Raiders have become a collection of NFL player that just wear the colors, but don’t represent them. They seem dead at times – almost robotic.

If the Oakland Raiders are going to lose games, at least let’s have a team that stands for something that says ‘we represent the Raider way.’ I just don’t see that in the 2013 Oakland Raiders.

What the Raiders need to do, and indeed should have done years ago, was fashioned an Oakland Raiders Offense for the 21st Century that achieves two objectives: incorporates the deep passing game and power running game, but is designed to reflect the different physical demands on offensive players in this century. That is, they can’t hold their blocks as long as in the past, so the offense has to allow the QB to get rid of the ball faster, and yet gain yards in large chunks both through the air and on the ground.

It has to be what Al Davis had decades ago, and now has a name: The Branded Offense. The design of the offense reflects the basic ideals of Oakland Raiders Football.

I don’t think this regime wants to do that.

More on this to come.

Stay tuned.

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