Oakland City Council Approves McElhaney Redistricting Plan

The Oakland City Council approved a redistricting plan that calls for the adoption of “Map 26,” a new map that was the design of newly elected (2012) Oakland City Councilmember Lynette McElhaney representing my District 3.

This one:

View Oakland Map 26 in a larger map

The decision was backed by the entire Oakland City Council save for the abstention of Councilmember Larry Reid, who was away, and the negative vote of Councilmember Desley Brooks (District 6), who voted no on procedural grounds, complaining that at the City Council meeting, the final decision was to pick only three maps to look at (17, 18, and 24); instead, we got nine maps for consideration Tuesday night: 18, and 21-29.

Other than Councilmember Desley Brooks’s objection on procedural grounds, the entire City Council believed that it was important to avoid splitting up neighborhoods as much as possible.

The sad part of the evening was that, unlike past redistricting meetings, this one was not well-attended. It’s a shame that we have an electorate that’s largely ignorant of the policy formation process that impacts how they live in Oakland.

The new Oakland City Council boundaries feature the maintenance of Adams Point in District 3, and Maxwell Park in District 6, and was described in this way:

Map 26: “Councilmember McElhaney requested that NDC prepare a new map (#26) which combines elements of maps previously discussed by Council: combines the D1/D2/D3 borders from Map 23 with the D4/D5/D6 borders from Map 24, with small adjustments to put Fruitvale Elementary School back in D4, and the cul-de-sacs off of Broadway Terrace back in D1.”

It combines two maps 23 and 24, which were described in this way:

Map 23: “The Council requested the consultant make specific alterations to these three maps; in addition to the necessary population balancing.
Details of Map #23 which were shown in Map #18:
Trestle Glen Road is unified into District 2
Lakeshore Avenue and streets east of Lake Merritt moved from District 3 to District 2
Keeps District 1/District 3 border at its current location, along MacArthur Blvd
Fairfax/Melrose area moved to District 6
District 1/District 4 border changed to Broadway Terrace and Skyline Blvd
Details of Map #23 which were made at the request of Council at the October 15th hearing, or to balance population:
San Antonio neighborhood back into District 2, from District 5
Fremont High School back into District 5, from District 6
Bancroft/55th/International/51st “triangle” back into District 6 (from District 5)
Census blocks between Harrison St /Oakland Ave back into District 1, from District 2
Maxwell Park united in District 6 (moved from District 4 in Map #18)
Fruitvale Elementary neighborhood, from Sausal Creek down to Bona Street, and east to Coolidge, Peralta Hacienda Park, and area south of Allendale between Brookdale and Lyon Ave and Meadow St, to District 4
Between I-880 and International Blvd, from Seminary to 50th Avenue, move to District 5 from District 6
Between Bancroft and International, move from 51st Ave to 54th Ave from District 6 to District
Changes in Map #23 which are a result of a public request: Glenwood Road unification in Glenview (from District 2 into District 5).”

Map 24: “The Council requested the consultant make specific alterations to these three maps; in addition to the necessary population balancing.
Details of Map #24 which were shown in Map #21, at the October 15 Council hearing:
APEN request for District 2 to move north of 14th Street, into downtown. Border of District 2 and 3 moves north to 19th St.
The Lakeshore Avenue area, east of Lake Merritt, stays in District 3
District 1/District 2 border is unchanged from existing border on Oakland Avenue.
District 1/District 3 border is changed: District 3 moves north to MacArthur, west of Highway 24; between Highway 24 and Broadway, District 1 moves south to I-580, unifying Mosswood; District 3 stays north of I-580 teacart east of Broadway to keep Richmond Blvd neighborhood together.
District 1/District 4 border follows the 1993 Council map border, along Broadway Terrace to Skyline Blvd.
Maxwell Park is united in District 4
Fairfax/Melrose moves from District 4 to District 6
Trestle Glen Road is united in District 2
Fremont High stays in District 5
District 5 picks up the Melrose Elementary School attendance area south of International Blvd
Fruitvale Elementary and the area immediately around it south of I-580 moves from District 4 to District 5
In Fruitvale, Police Beat 24Y is united in District 4 and Beat 24X is united in District 5
An area southeast of Fruitvale Elementary, between Coolidge and Peralta Creek north of Bona St, moves from District 5 to District 4 to balance populations
No changes to current District 7 boundaries
Details of Map #24 which were made at the request of Council on October 15:
Maxwell Park united in District 6″

For more information visit the City of Oakland webpage here: http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/PBN/OurOrganization/PlanningZoning/OAK041315

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