Sigma Pro’s Drake-Style Tax Software Alternative To Drake’s

Drake’s Tax Software’s got a new challenger: Sigma Pro’s Drake-Style Tax Software. Sigma Pro made the right decision in creating a Drake’s clone.

A friend of mine always used Drake’s professional tax software, but this year she tried a Drake style tax software from Sigma Tax Pro. Now, I’m not a tax accountant, but I do run a small business, so I have played that role from time to time in the past. As a result, I am told about new tax software all the time. I have to pay attention.

Drake’s Tax Sotware has been the leading product of its kind in contemporary findings. A recent evaluation of tax software available found that Drake’s Tax Software was the leading scorer in price and value, as well as word-of mouth.

Compared to such products as those from ATX and Ultra Tax, users polled said, and to the tune of 95-percent, that they would recommend Drake’s over the other two choices. Drake’s even beat the competition in technical support!

But that polling of products did not include Sigma Pro’s Drake-Style Tax Software. As it’s created to be a copy of Drake’s, it pretty much has all of its attributes, and few of its failures.

And there’s one good reason for that: Sigma Pro is based on Drake’s – it’s powered by Drake Software.

So, if you want all of the good of Drake’s, just get Sigma Pro.

Stay tuned.

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