George Zimmerman Had Gun, Damages Wife’s iPad In Police Video

George Zimmerman’s still in potentially big trouble as police attempt to piece together what happened in a domestic dispute between he and his wife Shelly Zimmerman.

As this blogger said on Monday, George Zimmerman’s acting out the guilt he feels over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, and it’s just a matter of time before he gets into trouble again. Already, Zimmerman has been in minor traffic violations, seen at a gun show expressing interest in an automatic weapon, and now this matter.

George Zimmerman was reportedly arriving home to find his estranged wife, who had not been living their, in it with her father, and to gather her belongings in an effort to move. The video you’re about to see shows George Zimmerman being followed for much of the time by helly Zimmerman with her iPad, obviously making a video of him.

At one point, George Zimmerman can be seen going into the house in the lower right of the screen; his wife goes to that same door, but can’t get in, so she veers around to what seems to be the garage. After a beat, George Zimmerman comes out of that garage, followed by a man, and then his wife. It’s here, at the 6:30 mark, where George Zimmerman is said to be working to damage her iPad, and you can see him trying to pry a device apart. Police have said this is the iPad.


FOX 35 News Orlando

Eventually, Police arrive and detain George Zimmerman.

Later, on Anderson Cooper, George Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’Mera said that he did have a gun on him, contrary to reports:

This looks real bad for George Zimmerman.

Stay tuned.

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