School Gunman At DeKalb County, GA School; No One Killed #McNairShooting

6C886C75EEBE4BD9A7D6ECF448AA9512 DeKalb County, GA, and 2162 2nd Ave Decatur, GA is the scene of a horrifying story of a gunman, white male, dressed all in black and armed with an AK47, who somehow managed to gain access to the McNair Discovery Learning Academy.

(Decatur, Georgia is a suburb of Atlanta, located 45 minutes east, northeast of Downtown Atlanta.)

The McNair Discovery Learning Academy at that address is a charter school with an almost-all African American student body, and was named after Ronald McNair, the black NASA astronaut killed in The Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy.

The nutty thing about this story is that the gunman had a McNair Discovery Learning Academy call the Atlanta-based Channel Two news outlet, and ask for television coverage so its viewers could “watch cops being shot,” according to an account being shared on Channel Two, right now.

The suspect surrendered about an hour ago. The suspected was located in the building, and without resistance. The DeKalb Police was the lead law enforcement agency in this incident.

There are reports that shots were fired, but no news of any casualties. UPDATE: the gunman fired from inside the school, toward the outside; the bullets hit the doors, but no one person. Police were said to have been outside the door at the time, but not in the line of fire.

Stay tuned.

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